unfortunate....does the size thingy help?
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Hi! I made a monstrosity. Hope you enjoy!
Here is probably the dumbest IWL level of all time.
It's titled: Through Deduction

A link to the .jmap filethat you can open with keytool.
I will also send a solution video, but only once someone provides image proof that they beat the level. Because it's just more fun this way.
Congratulations to @pail#8638 who was the first to beat the level (using cheese, unfortunately)! Here is the solution video, as promised, but honestly the level isn't too bad, and it's still probably worth it to try it out yourself.
Also, that weird broken door over there? That's a door with height 0. I call them "ghost doors" because they work exactly the same as an idea MathCookie proposed in this post of theirs. Other people probably also had the same idea, but this was just the first name that popped into my head. Basically, they don't have collision, so you can also just walk right through them, however, if you do have enough keys to open them the door will take it away. It's kinda buggy but it seems to work fine in gameplay here.
The decimal keys you see work as you'd expect, but just know that the brown and red aura doesnt trigger if you have less than one of the respective keys. Why? I have no idea! Also, master keys take away exactly one each use, and so if you have a fractional amount and keep using it, the key "oscilates" back and forth between negative and positive. Same with fractional copies of doors, but sadly this level doesn't use that. (We like to call them oscilator doors, and they seem to make for some very interesting puzzles).
There is a high probability that I will make more stupid untangling levels like this, and I will update this post accordingly.
Have a nice day!
Ghost doors are actually implemented in the game! Kind of. If you place a door in the level editor and set its height or width to 0, it becomes intangible and doesn't block your way, however, it can still be unlocked like a normal door! I used it in a puzzle that I made.
It has the side-effect that you can't select the door to edit it afterwards, and if you set both width and height to 0 it becomes really hard to even delete the door. You have to zoom in with C when that happens.