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A member registered Mar 24, 2018 · View creator page →

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Haha, thanks for the comment! Yeah I will make sure to check the grammar mistakes, I'm sure there are a few that I missed. Regarding art development I don't have anyone helping me with that yet so that's why is going very slow, but I'm looking for someone.

In the mean time I'm still writing things and I will definitely update the VN when I can!


Thanks for the concern, I just been very busy overall and couldn't develop the visual novel as I should have. I've been thinking of trying to begin working on it again soon. I just need to find more inspiration and get trough my writer's block that I had for a while, so I will do my best to write again.

Thanks for the interest!

Hello everyone, my name is Alex and I'm looking for a character sprite artist for my WIP visual novel named "You Saved Me" a mystery-drama teen story.

I'm not yet set on a certain art style, so I'd like to see yours and we shall discuss if it is fitting or not with the story itself.
Of course, we can negotiate payment terms if desired/needed.

You can comment here or contact me on the official email: or Discord: Alexios99#6148 to discuss more details about this project.

Thank you! 

That's because I want to see a preference in a choice over the other,to see which one is more preferred if someone is "forced" to choose.Another reason would be that I personally prefer western style and wanted to see how big is my "target market" of western style compared to anime style.

Thanks for pointing it out and I will keep in mind what you said.

Hello everyone,I'm Alex,a beginner creator of visual novels and I'm curious to see the players preferences regarding VNs.

This is a pretty basic survey that could help me gain some insight about the people who play visual novels and their own preferences, so if you got around 5-10 minutes spare time I'd really appreciate it if you could complete the survey:

Thank you and have a nice day!