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A member registered Jul 09, 2018

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I just started the game, and I have to say I find it really weird that the author feels the need to narrate what we the viewer can clearly see happening, but I suppose that was a stylistic choice. What I'm more curious about is why did NoMeme decide to include false choices, like the second choice I choose not to intervene, yet I was still forced to intervene. Also who is this Homelander fellow is he an important character?

Wow that was a fast response. Got it I'll keep talking to those two maybe it would trigger something since I already got up to the point where I can time skip. On a side note if I rape someone does Tsubaki retroactively know about that side of Ryen?

I was wondering if there was an error in the conversation with Begus. I do not have religious freedom in my Central and in my conversation with Begus my character mentioned Central supporting religious freedom? I’m not sure if this was intended since my conversation with the Dorgania king changed to reflect the fact that I allowed slavery. As a side note I rescued the Amagal King but he just sits there outside the ruins did I go to far in the story and lock out an event? Also I’m stuck with the colorful smoke bomb in my inventory. Thanks in advance 

I see does that mean we would see that content with her further down the story or do you mean continue her storyline as in her storyline being halted temporarily until you feel the game is ready for such content? That is such depraved content being shoved onto a new character further down the line. Also as a side note I think the house since whenever it was reworked is no longer fully connected? I know we can still use the fast travel but it appears that part of the house is locked off by normal traversal means or it could just be a bug for me.

Was just wondering since it was mentioned the alternative route where you do find the gas mask was suppose to be released in an update did it ever got added? I was told by moolah about a year ago it was to be in the next update but I haven't played in over a year and I'm back and I still can't find the gas mask after spending quite a bit of time clicking around. Did it never get implemented or am I just missing something?

Hello just wondering if the mask ever got added back in since you mentioned it would be in the next update. I haven't played for about a year and I saw there hasn't been many updates so I was wondering if it was still in the works.

Thank you for your response! I was just wondering since I got a dishonorable victory so I thought there may have been some way to win honorably so I spent about 10-15 minutes restarting and trying different combinations of choices. At least now I know I wasn't going crazy (haha)

Out of curiosity is it actually possible to beat Roan?

Oh ok, thanks for letting me know. Just curious since the description mentioned some darker themes.

Out of curiosity since I played your previous games. What sort of content should we expect besides the normal (vaginal, anal, oral, harem, etc). Looking at the description I'm assuming rape, ryona, and slaves?

Oh I have an idea suggestion that may go well with this. Since he wants to play as a human and we want to go with a similar theme what if we have a game centered on keeping power? Sort of like a dark lords theme where you go around stopping rebellions and carefully threading the line between taking what you want and not upsetting the nobles that are your keys to power. You can even expand it to include netori content or some other fetish I don't know just spit balling.

Agreed I even pirated a game after I brought it on steam just so I wouldn't have to deal with all of steam's nonsense.

Really enjoying the game (I've been saying this for a while in nearly every post) but I just noticed a major flaw in your dragon story. Where is the knight in shining armor? How can I have the full maiden kidnapping experience without some brave knights to slay? 

Go to sleep and it should trigger 

It's been over a year but I remember this game as one of the first VNs (and games) I played after Katawa Shoujo. I'm so glad to see it's still being worked on. I had forgotten about it since I was so busy with college that I didn't even remember what this was called until I finally had time to come back to I checked my notifications and what do I see? A mini essay responding to a comment I made, and voila I'm back!

PS I'm quite pleased to see there is a meaningful choices tag for this game. Keep up the good work!

Yeah I agree! The characters are much more nuanced than many other similar games. I especially liked Moon (That was her name if I recalled correctly) even more so when there was that dash of sadness added to her character. I initially thought it was because the BF (sorry forgot his name) exploited her since I initially thought he might be one of those "nice bosses". The fact that he was actually a loyal BF came as a surprise to me but it was honestly one I enjoyed. Both because it subverted my expectations, and because they then gave you a netori option (thank you for that not enough games have netori, it's always NTR) which gives you a moral dilemma; to steal a good guy's girlfriend or to try and support him.

The only character I have a complaint about was those flesh monsters. They creep me out. Oh and the tech guy, what a creep, though I guess we aren't much better peeking on our sister. Can't wait to see how he gets revenge on me though

Nopy is also a good option. I believe it's free and supports unlimited high speed download.

Glad to know that there was suppose to be a mask and that it would be implemented! I really enjoy this game and am eagerly anticipating the alternative route. I'm also happy that all my searching (even if it was in vain) was not the completely wrong thing to do. Keep up the good work!

I see Katawa Shoujo, I hit download no questions asked

Just walk around usually there is a prompt if you enter a room with a clue that tells you where to look.

You are suppose to wait till his back is turned then cross

Yeah I was wondering if I was suppose to get knocked out since the character even remarks that he should have brought a mask. That and it was heavily implied that I should find a mask. Personally I felt that was a bit misleading if you aren't even suppose to find a gas mask. I spent a good while trying to find it :(.

Does anyone know where to find the gas mask? I've been trying to find it for 15 minutes and I just can't seem to find it 

Does anyone know if he ever went back and filled in the plot hole with Tomoe back in week one? I'm asking because Further scenes refer to a scene that happens when you agree to marry Tomoe right away, yet I refused at first yet I'm still getting references to it.

(2 edits)

Posted this in the wrong place so just copying it over and adding a bit.

Just played Maid Mansion and I have to say it was quite an enjoyable experience. However one thing that irked me was Pa Zong's ending required a ridiculously specific route to achieve (I really wished there were more routes for her). That and I felt that my actions had no consequence on the story until the very end as most just result in maybe a single line change.

 ---- Spoilers--------

For example when deciding what to do with Takako my choice seems to have no real effect on the chain of events until the end where either Narumi gets stabbed or I end up marrying Takako.

-----Spoiler End------

This also reflects itself in the way the MC acts as once I choose to basically punish everyone and yet my character still acts the same way as when he is "kind". I would like to see more character in the MC maybe by hiding options from the player (such as with the massage) to flesh out the MC. I was also hoping that all the characters would get the same amount of attention but it really felt I was just pushed towards two (maybe three) of them. I was fine with the no harem ending though however it didn't feel satisfying at times as I was trying to find the other endings and just getting the same scenes over and over. Over all though the game was very enjoyable and my only real complaint was how some characters seem to less attention on them than others. 

TLDR: and other thoughts that didn't make it in initially.


-Art looks nice though the sprites and cg seem to be slightly different

-Naming the MC (who doesn't like that)

-Beautiful Cast (if a bit large)

-Plot was intriguing 

-Plot twist made sense even if in some  routes there was no build up

-Action that affect the story in some way are apparent upon reflection

- Did not forgetting the timeline the world is in. All too often VNs take a completely separate timeline when you go down a character route. (for example if you go down A route A gets cancer but if you go down B route A somehow doesn't get cancer.) But in this the police investigation always happens


- The MC is inconsistent as a character (you could chalk that up to the players fault)

- Extremely specific routes especially for characters like Pa Zong who barely make an appearance. Her route in particular left me very confused as I don't see why we couldn't help her in the other routes

-As with many VN with a supporting cast they get introduced and then quickly thrown out

-Some choices had consequences that were unclear even upon replaying (ie who to support in an argument (this ties into point 2 as many side characters seem to require a specific combination))

Great game would definitely recommend to anyone who is still unsure about it. Just make sure to use a walkthough cause some routes were difficult to find using trial and error. Also would there be by chance any DLC for this that expands the story as I see the Kickstarter never reached its 20,000 goal?

EDIT: Apparently there are two endings for Pa Zong according to the comments so I'm going to have to find them 

(2 edits)

Just played Maid Mansion and I have to say it was quite an enjoyable experience. However one thing that irked me was Pa Zong's ending required a ridiculously specific route to achieve (I really wished there were more routes for her). That and I felt that my actions had no consequence on the story until the very end as most just result in maybe a single line change.

 ---- Spoilers--------

For example when deciding what to do with Takako my choice seems to have no real effect on the chain of events until the end where either Narumi gets stabbed or I end up marrying Takako.

-----Spoiler End------

This also reflects itself in the way the MC acts as once I choose to basically punish everyone and yet my character still acts the same way as when he is "kind". I would like to see more character in the MC maybe by hiding options from the player (such as with the massage) to flesh out the MC. I was also hoping that all the characters would get the same amount of attention but it really felt I was just pushed towards two (maybe three) of them. I was fine with the no harem ending though however it didn't feel satisfying at times as I was trying to find the other endings and just getting the same scenes over and over. Over all though the game was very enjoyable and my only real complaint was how some characters seem to less attention on them than others. 

PS really looking forward to sinful sisters the sisters look great!

is this still being worked on? The Patreon link doesn't give much info

Hey BlueCat I just finished week one and I noticed that even if I chose to marry Tomoe the next day instead of the inital encounter with her mom  during the interview they still reference a blowjob/deep throat I never received why is that is it a bug? Also Kotori Oda appears in the family section of the character list even before I found  out she was an Oda. This was kinda of a bummer because when it came to the interview the surprise was no longer a surprise. 

Is there a way we can report these inconsistencies to you?

Well I can't wait I love having plenty of choices! Yeah I felt that was lacking in Fruit of Grasaia especially because it was mostly a slice of life VN so you could add in pointless choices to flesh out the character (but that has its own problems of the player not feeling rewarded for their actions). Another reason they might have for little choices is they don't want a complex web of choices leading to the endings. Just a question what would determine what sort of ending you get I know most VNs just put you on the bad end or neutral path unless you talk exactly one very specific path which I really hate. PS you should really play Fruit of Grasaia the anime does not do it justice at all imagine cramming 8+ hours with a character to just three episodes the connection just isn't as good.

I see you are a man of culture as well Katana Shoujo was the second VN I play after Everlasting Summer (give it a shot if you haven't oh and patch the game first). I you liked it another VN you should try is Fruit of Grisaia though I should warn you instead of physical problems they have mental problems. What I meant is that although the characters are not the most visually appealing they have their own charms as you can tell that effort went into them as many people would just grab someone else's sprite and use that instead. As for the slow development time thats totally fine in my book as you are making this for fun and aren't like some people on patreon who do little work for lots of money from their supporters. Good luck on your endeavor and remember it's better to work slow (but not too slow I want to play the finished product before I grow old 😉) and deliver a quality product that you can be proud of than to rush and make something that no one is happy about.

Hey thanks for creating such a good game. I have to say although the characters are not the best I've seen at least they are more original than most in their design so thats good enough for me. I found this game about a year ago and have been patiently waiting for it to be fully translated. Unfortunately I haven't been keeping close tabs on this game has there been any new content for the english version since a year ago. I'm only asking because I see you are very responsive to your fans which I greatly appreciate.

I love this game and how beautiful the artwork is. What I hate though is how linear the game is. For example to get the good ending there is literally only one route and every choice must exactly what is the author wants even if the other choice changes nothing but one line of dialogue. Choose wrong and bam bad ending just because you didn't resist when someone was trying to carry you when you weren't feeling so hot.