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A member registered Oct 02, 2020

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Same here. But I was already expecting him to be like that just very genuine.

How do I win the tennis game in richards route?

Hey Im stuck after the engine any help or its only up till there?

Minotaur Hotel community · Created a new topic Sex scenes

Hey started reading your novel and Im loving it. Its not the main point of why Im reading it but does it have more sex cgs like luke in it? 

Dont know of someone mentiones this already but in Chester's route when they are at the onsen when its time to change to the yukata the MC changes right but Chester changes to his regular clothes. 

I know the last update was  tai update this is one updates tai and the others or just tai still?


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がんばって!!!Seems very good battle sprites can be improved and if you could do something about the censorship that would be awesome. Too bad my japanese skills are still far from good although I can read some sentences. Hope your project continues! So far from what I read I didn't see typos in the english translation. ;)


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Thank you so very Thank much. Hopefully I contributed for something ^^

Don't know if you saw it but I wrote what you requested. Don't know if it's right though.

Yeah that s it. Chester also makes a cameo appearance. 

I think it was postponed for April.

I really thought so. It looked finished.

Logan with the bandit must happen before the bandit quest ends no? And the bandits together is random when you explore the camp? I explored a lot and besides the dialog haven't found the CG. I saved the lizard tribe but didn't get a CG. Didn't get the nauxus either. By the way do you get to do more stuff with him if you don't escort him away?

You know I love your work it's a shame 0.4 wont be released to the public. :(

You can just save on the scene and make your own gallery until thecastr doesn't implement one. That's what I do when I don't have galleries ;)

ok got logan korg CG, mouse king and red panda, the guy from the hotspring and korg. Can anyone tell me which ones i'm missing?

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It could be after the events at the room?

Instead of leaving the MC lingers behind. 

Seeing Cooper in that state really stired something inside you. You could see the lenghts that one was capable of going in order to protect he ones they love, their pack, their family. Here lied poor Cooper scarred for life missing his tail and still with a full sense of duty ready to do it as many times as it was needed."The state you leave him into drives you nuts and you gotta go deeper to understand it.

Dialogue: MC: "Hey Cooper how are you feeling after that old mutt made you go through all that?"

As he was looking into the celing of the bunk bed, notoriously flushed, he answered:

Cooper: "Better... Now that you're here..."

You couldn't believe your ears, never have you thought hearing those words from the same dog that always took a step back everytime you stood together in the same division. 

Cooper: "Thank you for your visit... It means a lot." He said slowly turning his muzzle in your direction as you were sitting in from of the bunk bed.

MC: "To be honest I never really thought we would ever have a conversation, you always seem to run everytime I appear in the corner."

Cooper:"Don't take it personally, it's just that..." You hold his paw in your hand putting the other hand on top of his as he gets as flushed as he can get with his paw clearly trembling.

MC: That...

Cooper:"I respect you. There's something about your character that well... hmm..." (he diverts his gaze to the ceiling again.) makes me happy everytime I see you. I really can't express those feelings and so I run. I shouldn't but it's stronger than me this feeling is strange. I'm used to the battlefield, commanding, taking the decisions, knowing that I need to be the one that the pack relies on, that's all I know. Seeing you smile, being among us, making Shelter a place where we all can be and a place worth to protect makes me like you in ways I didn't know... What I mean is..." He tights his grip on your hand. His eyes this time pierce yours in a way you didn't expect. There's a certain kindness and that feeling that no matter what happens those eyes would be there for you and protect you from any harm. Tears swell in his eyes. 

Cooper: "Thank you for being here for us. Thank you for protecting us in your own unique way, for lighting our path. It may happen that sometimes you think you aren't doing enough or you don't where you belong but your place is here with me.. with us." Tears fell from your eyes as soon as you heard those words, all your insecurities and fears fell down along with them. You had Rune, Max and of course Burry but never anyone gave you the sense of belonging that this dog gave you. You could resist it. You rested your head in his belly  as he laid his paw on top of you head.

Cooper:" Ouch... I'm still a bit sore."

MC: "Sorry..."

Cooper:" As long as you and Shelter exist I shall be your guardian and the guardian of this place. And from now on I won't run away from you. Can't wait for being with you too in your first skyes ablaze."

In his embrace you felt his belly rising and a soft snore could be heard. He was exausted after all. You kissed his forehead and left the room knowing that although he might've run and get flushed he really cared deeply about you.


The same happens with Koshiro but it's pretty understandable the owner of this project does it all alone and comissioning artists doesn't come cheap. Probably artists like the one that did the sprites and the ramos CG are more expensive that man sure knows how to draw. :P

He says that although the route is finished it doesnt mean that his story is over. He says this in the end of his route so I believe there is more to come :) 

Didnt Chester route get complete this update?

I couldn't make that decision myself ao I have no idea. You are cruel  dismissing the poor green guy he is so polite for an orc :) 

Search the river bank area eventually he will appear the area where you fight the satyr enemies. 

Finally got my first CG. The rat king one with Tao. :)

Maybe I'm doing something wrong but does the game have sound or sound effects?

you need to search the swamp until the hut appears if I'm not mistaken then just follow the story around the priestess eventually when you talk with her in the tasks it should appear the mission to search fo the acolytes.

But its awesome anyway even with the fast pace. Cant wait to have more I need more Leo in my life :P

I haven't found guides for the CG's. Thanks for those 2

Any I dont know how to unlock a single one.

how do you unlock CG'

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Still havent got any Im in day 30. And the first bandit appeared the fat one and the other then they stop showing all together. The female bandit never appeared though. 

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No CG though only the sprite right? And by the way sometimes the sprite dissapear the bandit ones specifically. 

is this nsfw? Does it have explicit sex

Dont get me wrong I love Diego and Kyrex story is just a physical thing really. Diego is the sweetest xD. 

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I didnt play lustful desires.

Gratz on another successful pdate. Things sure went fast between the two of them. The CG was awesome wish that Diego didn't have a sheath though :P I like more anthro penises but all the way amazing job ;)

Do patreon users get exclusive CG or the public just receives them later?