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A member registered Sep 18, 2022 · View creator page →

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Ragebating on a game made two years ago by two random people on a jam

It is allowed to get a life u know


Oh, its a narrative tale! The song tells you about the people from your "immortal" crew, while you try to get their bodies. You always die inevitably, but the song puts you to sleep and you wake up in heaven, listening to your crew laughing close to where you are

Its just a sad story really hahah

Este sonido ha sido realizado sin lugar a dudas por un profesional del audio, mis kudos

Mejor juego que ha existido nunca os quiero demasiado

Mejor juego que ha existido nunca os quiero demasiado

Mejor juego que ha existido nunca os quiero demasiado

Hay que empoderarse laboral y emocionalmente. La llama puede llevar a la empoderación laboral, pero es muy difícil empoderar lo emocional.

Tamos uns prós outros por iso mesmo Carliños 💕

Tranquilo la mitad de la plantilla no se lo ha pasado todavía AJSAJSASJ



👉👈 uwu💕


<3 uwu

¿Existe algún juego mejor que este?

Me da igual si os caen bien o mal los 127 desarrolladores de El punto, pero acaban de dar una masterclass de metodologías agile, kaizen y relaciones públicas. Ignorad los personajes, mirad los actos. Son unos cracks. La jugada es arriesgada, espero que salga bien.

Oh! I didn't know there was a server! Thanks for letting me know, I wasn't sure about if there were any rules against it so I opted to not be disrespectful. But it's true that its more important for the games to be accesible cause that's the point haha

Thanks NightBlade, I'll fix the issue!

Wholesome as hell! Short and complete. I love that the roomba just kept saying roomba, that is definitely the only thing you would use a roomba for, right 😂💕

The game's truly cute! Sometimes I miss the dialogues because they sound a little low, but it has an overall nice polish

That's a fun mechanic! If this wasn't a jam game, and more polished, it would be addictive for me.

The only downside is that I had trouble understanding what the narrator was saying because it was pronouncing the english text with a spanish voice bank, but that may be a me problem! Cause I'm Spanish. Is the voice bank chosen by your default language?

But yeah, I'm not blind but I had to open my eyes to understand how to start the game.
Cool concept tho!

No se puede jugar! ;(

Yes, the rythm part was a total failure on the accesibility side, too complicated. :(
I posted the solution on the description of the game until the voting ends and I update it.

And it's definitely a lot more like an interactive fiction than a game, yes. I just had two days to do it and it saddens me that I couldn't make it more juicy, but I learned a lot from it!

Thanks for the feedback 💕

Terrible, terrible controls, damn those controls (XD)

Thank you! :) It's my first time doing something like this, so yeah, I will definitely adjust the difficulty from the arrows part once the voting ends. It's a pity because most people get stuck there and everyone misses the finale (uuugh)

Oh! That's an very good suggestion, I will definitely implement it once the voting ends (I will probably make the rythm part easier too).
The timing of the rythm fools you a bit, because u don't necessarily have to follow it. It's about getting the arrow directions with the panning of the sounds.

I wasn't intending in making it that difficult, but it was the last thing we finished at 2 A.M. Spain time (oops).

Thank you for the feedback! If you want to come back before or after I update it, there is a little plot twist at the end.

te como la boca

AJAJAJS Paquita se montó un drama 🔪🔥

Ay gracias por el alago 👉👈 /// Te haremos daremos un 15% de  descuento en los tomates de Paquita por tus amables palabras 😌

Jo, millones de gracias! No sería nada sin el increíble guión de @renato_meyer JSJSJ 💕

Sois majísimos, desprendéis mazo buenas vibras 💕

Hey! Llegué aquí por el vlog de youtube que hicisteis, enhorabuena! Me flipa la ambientación que le habéis metido. Mucho ánimo y a seguir así fieras!! 💛

Paréceme correctísimo, meu insta é 👉 @yo_bicho 

Jo, me alegro que lo disfrutases tanto!! Apreciamos mucho el cariño 🥰💛

Cala cala entrei no teu perfil porque chamóume a atención a túa foto de perfil (a tope co teu arte, madre de deus 🙈)  e resulta que ti es de galicia tamén JSJSJSJ De ónde ves sendo?

Gracias!! 🥰💕

Aquí el de sonido! Muchas gracias por apreciarlo, jo 💕💕

Oish, gracias jejej 👉👈😁💕