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A member registered Apr 21, 2020

Recent community posts

okay, just so I am sure I understand it. The numbers you give is for mods/aricsexpansion/scipts/ and the error only tells it for the in the game files?

the res://files/scripts/ 1831 points to a line of code inside the file. But a small hint when Aric answers: what you need to change is in that line, and not in the line Aric might say - at least that was so in my case. It might be different for all, but if the specific error can not be found in the line Aric will mention it will probably be in line 1831

Small problem, i get an error when I click on one of my slaves at the farm, I get the errors in the pic. also, when the farm slave window opens it shows hairstyle choices in the dropdown menu. some of the errors were displayed when I clicked on extract milk/cum/piss. If you want precisely which errors occurred with what action, I can do that

well butter me up and call me sally, I was stupid. You are right, had one file, where I keep my own pics, with a single spelling mistake. Thanks

I have a problem with the editor. While it shows both portrait and body for all packs I have downloaded, but when I make my own pack it only shows the portrait, even though both portrait and body are named the same. How, if at all, can I fix this?

well, the size 'bug', as far as I have tested, is with only dick and balls, even though they are only small or tiny

So, how close are we to a new release? is it the Silver Mod Studio "Soon™" (meaning 3 months), or is it actually soon?^^

And btw, great mod, I really enjoy it. But there are a few things you should consider. First and foremost, make it clear what fetishes is not yet implemented (best would be ingame notice)   fully so one does not waste time with trying to get consent for them. Also, something that was mentioned before, the way e.g. cats talk, a *meow* after each word is a bit much, maybe best at the beginning and at the end of a sentence. furthermore, please, please, please, please incorporate the chastity belt mod, or the ideas of it, or something along those lines.

You have made a great mod and I enjoy it a lot, so keep up the fantastic work.

lastly I have a problem, which might have to do with your mod, as it is the only which I have installed right now. I can't use the potion to make a slaves bodypart bigger, it just says that it has reached max size, even though it is tiny/flat/small/whatever.