Oh, you were 4 minutes faster... ;-)
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I possibly found a deadlock in the game.
I was playing Bernard and after I got the pin I found the bowling ball on the roof floor and thought I should switch to Hoagie. So I did. On the way up my first action was entering Ed's room. Then the following happened:
The UI disappears. Ed is sitting on the floor behind the hamster cage, obviously sorting his papers and searching the pin. Hoagie instantly leaves the room and immediately comes back. He stands there while you hear Ed's lamenting, but the interface doesn't reappear. There's nothing you could do anymore. The "cut scene" doesn't end, you even can't save the game or do anything else. Tried to move the mouse (the pointer is not visible) or click wildy around. I finally ended the game by closing the window from the desktop.
Beforehand, every time Bernard did something Laverne or Hoagie was supposed to do, they appeared and took control. In each case I switched back to Bernard to examine the mansion any further with him. Don't know if it has something to do with the issue.