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A member registered Mar 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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We did not create this project, We just host the web version. Please visit NZ:P's actual page for downloads.

No, this is a modified version of the Quake engine. Both are heavily related though, so I could see someone misnaming the two.

I understand and honestly I agree with the whole open source thing. I also made my project for school Chromebooks. I'm sorry for demanding something that I shouldn't have. (It just gets a little irritating when you do something and someone immediately makes something of the exact caliber. Have a nice day.

One way to play this on Android is through PPSSPP. Download the PSP version and run it in the emulator. They could but they would need to port proquake and any other modified Quake engine used to Android.

Check my page.

Hey, just want to say that we have done this exact thing on our

I'm not going to accuse you of anything, and I see you added some extra maps, however we did do this a month before you and would it be too much to ask for some credit?

I did. Check my page

(1 edit)

We are too obscure to really be given a DMCA, so I assume id Software either doesn't know or doesn't care.

I have an idea for students who perhaps have the site blocked on a Chromebook and can't play the game.

I can have the web game file on web in my to download. I could also send it to you if you guys want

There is a button on start menu to change controls.


Just download the file and open it

not gonna lie dude this is our third most viewed project lol

bro what did you think it was

yeah if you dont have windows xp or less you need a microsoft DOS emulator

Ah, okay. If you wouldn't mind telling me your operating system of Windows? (Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP)

after extracting the file run the .exe folder

extract the file first

(1 edit)

extract it and run the setup

Alpine Linuxsudo apk add chocolate-doom

Arch Linuxyay -S chocolate-doom

Debian / Ubuntuapt install chocolate-doom

Note that in releases of Debian before v9, you must enable the contrib area to access the package.

Fedoradnf install chocolate-doom

Gentoo: See Building Chocolate Doom on Gentoo.

Guix Systemguix install chocolate-doom

Linux Mintsudo apt install chocolate-doom

Mageiaurpmi chocolate-doom

OpenSuSEzypper install chocolate-doom

Void Linuxsudo xbps-install chocolate-doom

A "Chocolate Setup" tool accompanies the port and can be used to configure it. The setup tool mimics the appearance of the original Doom setup program.

I didn't misunderstand. Which operating system did you download it for? He didn't answer me.

Did you use the arrow keys and CTRL, and also, bad WiFi is not my problem.

Noooooo, I thought you got it to play Minecraft. You are probably in school, huh? I meant Windows or Linux.

What did you download it for?

Oh okay.

This is by Brad Games on scratch, not yours. Take this down.

Thank you for your suggestion, we will continue to work on this game.

Halo Firefight: Reach 

If you like this, don't worry! More games coming soon!

yes very