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Arcfinder Studios

A member registered Dec 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much for this comment!

The plugins are mostly custom - but there are quite a few YEP plugins we use. :)

Thanks Brakenor! We can't wait to give you more!

(2 edits)

Yes - we enjoyed watching your stream (even though we don't speak Portuguese)! Thank you for playing and I appreciate that you translated the dialogue for your audience to hear. We're glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for the feedback Ssparda, glad you enjoyed your experience! Really nice to hear. 

Hopefully we'll be able to build on what we've got with Chapter 1 and keep adding to our visuals as we get further in!

Thank you Jake!

Thank you! (We are too). =D

(1 edit)

Thanks so much for your thoughts! We're very pleased you enjoyed the game and had fun with it. 

Also - you may have noticed your name in the credits. There's a grass tile edit you made a couple of years back that I used to decorate some parts of the full game, so thanks for that. =D

Thank you so much! We really appreciate that you took the time to record your playthrough of the Demo. It's really heartening to see what worked in action. Hoping to bring you the full game sometime soon (fingers crossed!) :)