No worries! Sometimes there's life priorities you need to sort out and it's a game I'm enjoying still!
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I apologize if that came off as me being part of that! I've been told I can sound critical when I'm going into detail and it's something I'm working on and its harder in text that doesnt convey tone. I didn't have too much of a problem with yanking! I do prefer the method of being fast enough to hold a piece to stay in just a bit longer, though because its a slight skill based thing. My issue with the yanking was more the previous system made it very difficult to know what the next card was as at that point both the card being yanked and the next card were usually under the deletion line so if you werent paying attention to the pattern it can lead to losing a few cards till you get back in rhythm. It was a bigger issue when the cards couldnt be picked up with just a click instead of clicking and holding because that method took too much time and you would lose the piece you tried to save yourself with before you could place it, so it was really hard to save yourself
The varied shapes definitely make it more fun add more of an interest in adding it to the puzzle so I agree with you there! I think having them come up rarely is fine and its like a really nice piece for big points kind of deal. The piece stacking is kind of unique to the game and has added interest to me, and makes it so its easier to balance particularly in the early game where not having enough land would become a very large problem if they cant stack. So visiting that would probably take a lot of rebalancing. Not sure though! I don't think cutting out the overlap would add too much and it doesnt take away from the gameplay. Currently it just is a sacrifice of points for space, and I think thats a fair tradeoff
ok bug i mentioned in the dev log, putting it here for more attention, the one where the card icon instead of displaying with the mouse for placement it shoots to the next card falling making it not placable, its STILL in the game and with the fact that the cards stay persistently in your hand, getting this bug makes the hotkey 1 unusable for the rest of the game in addition to the game not being playable and because its still "in hand" it makes picking up other cards REALLY weird where it generates a blank card on pick up so you lose hearts despite placing cards. It is now game breaking if this bug occurs
Oh ! in addition to the devlog maybe needing a check (incorrect dates, two identical version numbers despite them being clearly different updates, unlike the hotfix updates youve done) the rankings may need a reset (edit: clarifying the like version highscore list not the alltime) because I feel like the highscores get SUPER affected with this most recent update
Also I LOVE the card pick up system where it kind of remembers where the card would be falling if you drop the piece so you cant just keep a card indefinitely like on some previous versions, though it does seem like if you keep dropping it and picking it up as it should be deleting the card stays the 1 hotkey even though other cards are passing it technically. It's a bit of a change! I like it a lot though
Also the map in contrast to last update is MASSIVE. The card play area is already enormous but the deletion line is still pretty far bellow the actual line so i think you could get some insane highscores on this update. Though! With some of the nerfs to the wheat shapes where there doesnt seem to be as many (at all? maybe, Im not super sure after just one game) of the large squares so point racking for the wheat is slower and I think that works well in conjunction to the farm coin upgrade where it was really OP before to it being a lot more reasonable.
The edge piece not generating points bug can actually happen on any edge if it is a single piece being placed only adjacent to one block. Still present as well and has occurred twice in one game so it doesnt have a limitation to how many times it can happen// again this is for the update before the one that JUST occured
Confirmed the unplayable card bug occurs with clicking card not just hotkey. Still present in new update as well// update from a few days ago I mean you JUST updated it again. this as far as 1.14 i think, the in game devlog might need to be looked at because the last two updates have the same version number and the same date but there was definitely a week between them lol
After play it a bit the new update has changed the gameplay just a bit. So the rotations have been great in terms of castles and I'm looking forward to maybe trees getting to rotate (not a big deal though because only one tree piece has any change with rotation). However the building for the villages hasnt really changed at all because of how the coin piece plays, the one that is both farm and village. Because the village part cuts the piece in half, and cannot be placed adjacent to village pieces unless done so vertically with nothing on either side of the piece its placed above or below, the playstyle of this piece has completely unchanged in that the best configuration is placing them in a line straight down with nothing adjacent so as not to cut off farm land pieces from eachother. There also in addition to the map coverage there seems to be less area for cards to remain active, so the window of playing the cards is smaller than the previous version.
Excited about the new art updates! So far its a lot easier to tell what squares are occupied than the other art! Rotation is also exciting and I'm looking forward to seeing how that changes how I lay out everything. Currently it looks like something happened with the playmap where its larger than previous? The header with the level stats and the box for the card deletion cover the map pretty significantly by level 8 almost the whole top two rows are completely covered by the header and around 6 squares in the bottom left are covered. Theres some other smaller bugs on the last dev log btw if you havent seen those yet! Theyre just little bugs that came up with the sheer amount of times ive replayed it, and arent entirely easy to replicate but have happened more than once
Ahhhh, I figured out the coin thing I somehow missed one of the upgrades DOES give coins instead of points. This upgrade kind of breaks the coins for you never needing to ever pick up coins again, especially the farm tile one which is the only one I've seen so far for sure has a coin upgrade just because the farm tiles are so common
Some quick bugs I found:
-In the third or fourth column from the left at near the top third of the map you can once per game place a terrain not touching land and it will add the pieces missing to connect it ie an additional 3-4 terrain pieces get generated from placing the card
-If a star (point) piece is placed while touching the right side of the map, the piece will not generate points from all terrain even if it has the space available that would allow it normally. This only sometimes occurs.
-I am so confident one of the upgrades gives coins instead of taking them, or there is some issue with how the coins generate because by level 5 coin upgrades are entirely obsolete and I have 50 or some coins that just steadily rise over time to crazy amounts
-In puzzle mode terrain does not properly track for the goals in the bottom right
-Kind of a return of the grid highlight making the performance drop slightly, definitely not as much as before but enough that sometimes rotating or placing a piece feels 'sticky' and causes the game not to respond to a rotation input or placement imput and when it does sometimes creates a delay. It's negligible in early game but just before it stops tracking it there are more obvious delays
-I'm not sure what causes it but sometimes trying to hot key a card into my hand.... makes the piece show up on the card behind it as its falling? instead of with my mouse so it just covers the other card which still has its original image on it as well. It remains there until the card it attached to is placed or deleted. This makes it impossible to place the original card. It's only happened about five or six times over the past week but it's still a bit bizarre.
-not a bug but I thought it was funny that you have a long T piece immediately followed by a single piece every ten cards. Definitely noticed how you copy pasted to build the card order lmao. This isn't a complaint, I just noticed it because you really get a muscle memory for anticipating those pieces after so long
-also not really a bug but this is by far the hardest version of the game yet because you can no longer hold a piece to prevent it from dropping in addition to having to keep track of more things

I don't think I could say enough it's still really cool to come back to this and see it change over time. I love the new piece variety and I like the upgrades as both the random aspect as well as the counter to the max grass playstyle. After playing a bit, the randomness of the upgrades does need a bit of a counter because at current its entirely possible to upgrade to the next level too fast and not be able to afford any upgrades at all because only one or two coins were on the map, especially at the start and having bad upgrades overall can change a run drastically where I finish with potentially thousands of points in the difference between a run where I could afford nothing but hearts or coins themselves to one where I very early got a farm upgrade and coasted off that the whole run. I love the introduction of the randomness because it makes the runs feel very different but it seems too heavily reliant on rng at current. It also would be neat to have a ui element that tracks purchased upgrades so I know what I've bought over time, and the prompts are so fast its sometimes unclear how much of an upgrade I really got, if it was just an addition of points from what was already on the map, or if all the tiles of that in the future of have a point increase. Potentially an upgraded ui element for that where the visual of placing them might be different?
yeah playing it more the hotkeys and speed would be ok if the click hold card thing was put back and the card didnt snap away when you place it wrong its very frustrating to have the piece and try and place it four times and then the cards whisk away so you don't know what youre holding anymore becaue the card kept dropping because your mouse was a pixel off
Oooo big update. First thing, your new picking up method broke your new tutorial. The cards no longer stay in your hand to then place with a click you have to hold it down which causes delays in rotating. I love all the new pieces but the system to pick up pieces is very jarring and I was frequently dropping pieces when I meant to place them and in the delay to drag a piece over and try and rotate it the piece would be gone. The hotkeys are the only way to persistantly keep a piece in hand but if you click an invalid place it snaps out of your hand it makes keeping track of whats on my number 1 key incredibly difficult. It seems too like since the area is a lot smaller for the cards that it gets really fast, well, really fast. I do like the new piece varieties, though, and it's neat to make new patterns to accommodate for all the different pieces. The UI also looks very clean, and the new upgrades are super interesting. Putting the lives in the upgrades is also an interesting change and makes choosing which cards to prioritize very different
Hey! Hope your days have been good between the updates. Found a visual bug where if I am rotating the smaller wheat field at the same time I'm hotkey picking up another piece (and I think mid click on the mouse so it wasnt fully dropped into place) it turns the visual on the card for the field to 500% of it's og size and so doesnt even fit on its own card lmao. It's not super easy to replicate but thought you ought to know!
I do get over 320 mbps download and upload speed so I don't think that has anything to do with it and since I dont think this actually runs off of my computer I dont think my comp stats would have anything to do with it (though I do have 32gb ram for the record so it's not shabby lol) I think its something about having to process that display update as I hover the piece in different areas
So I love the added clarity of highlighting the grouped areas as you're adding a piece to the puzzle, because I didnt realize the full area of points for some of the pieces (like the towers that are three squares of points even though they only occupy one square) but in the late game its pretty laggy the areas are so large that adding to my landmass after 12000 points gets very very difficult because of screen tears and drops in framerate so I can miss cards altogether. I don't think its anything to do with internet connection, i think we may just be reaching the limitations of what the browser format can optimally process at one time