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A member registered Jun 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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I absolutely LOVE this game! I would love for you to make it a full scale thing! I would buy the shit out of that!!

What about - take some goddamn responsibility for your own well being and stop playing the game if it bothers you so much? It's ridiculous. 
But I get it, those are most likely teenage girls, going through shit (like we all did) with nothing better to do on their hands than hate and mutilate themselves and think that everyone else has to care.
I was that girl at some point and I tremble in fear what would have happened to me if I was going through puberty/teenage years nowadays.
I'm sorry but news to you - MISS PUMPKIN - people do not think about if you're a woman or a man or an attack helicopter 24 hours a day. You need to work on loving and accepting yourself. Preferably OFFLINE if you're in such a terrible state that an indie game calling you a "she" makes you so rattled.
(this paragraph was directed to a potential reader not you, commenter)
I am really worried about our teenage girls. Especially tomboys. Especially in the west. This is terrible what's happening. It's like we went to the other side of radical abuse. From hating women, straight back into hating women in the name of acceptance and inclusivity. 
Girls, please take care of yourself but THIS IS NOT THE WAY.

This is surprisingly pretty difficult [but really fun!] little puzzle game! I'll certainly keep coming back to it!

What a cute game. Enjoyed this very much.

You think it's hard to find games with this style of body? All I see is ridiculously huge boobs and ass. What style of body is always in these games in your opinion? I'm curious.

Noooooo, eww