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Ari Lightspear

A member registered Feb 23, 2019 · View creator page →

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UwU i will re-compile it for more support its just I've had to deal with a bad breakup gone divorce and now the asshole who collaborated on this with me is behind bars so I'm going to have to scrap a lot of characters in this thing, so now he's no longer distracting me with heartache I should be able to make this thing better sorry about all of this delay... it been years since started making it... sorry I let you down for so long...

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Dealing with guardianship has been the worst nightmare in my entire life, and i wasn't even the one under it, my partner was, after a long agrivating struggle to get him free, i'm pleased to announce that it will nolonger prevent me from finishing this work of love, to all my fans i'm verry honored that you took time to play it and follow me, i'm pleased to announce i have begun work on making new assets for my project.

I am a hobbyist artist and story writer, most of the material is bassed on our real life personalitys and how we would react as our sonas in certian situations, my private life is just as humorus as the story you read, so far the story is quite endearing and captivating, however its still stuck on that cliff hanger, so please allow me to re play my demo and rememebr what direction i was going to take and see if i can take this story all the way to completion.

I draw every asset you see in the demo, and every line is typed by me, the material comes from jokes that me and my partner tell eachother frequently, however none of the characters are bassed on real people, there just simply aspects of the life we had to live through, and allot of the situations are realtable in allot of peoples lives in context, however butch seems to be an aweful character that needs to develop in a more positve way.

Due to his attitude in the beguinning, i don't think it sits well with me to portrey trans people in such a manner, therefore the rivalry has to mellow out as there college students after all not highschoolers.

we adults operate on a more mature level than that so i do intend to introduce happyer scenareos with butch that make him more relatable, Butch btw is Female to Male trans and is going through post transitionary hormornal aftershocks which affects his mood at times, but butch is planned to make more harmonious vibes when those settle down.

Ether way hope its at least enjoyable to everyone UwU

Sincerely yours Ari.

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sorry for not replying sooner... the project is a work of fun and not really a comercial project, ive had to deal with real life but it shouldn't get in the way anymore, so yes work has finally began of that update i promised a while back UwU

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Seriously this project has been deleyed for 3 years since i last posted uggg! People seruosly need to learn to live and let live! My partner and i have lives too houston let us go for reals! x.x

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it had to be postponed due to major events, however development was resumed just recently, the problem was that me and my partner were attempting to get him off guardiasnship, it appears we have succeded, so without that stress effecting us, i'm pleased to anounce a new sprite set is being introduced in my next build, its coming along great and i intend to post screen shots of them asap, the Demo however will not be altered untill the graphics in the curent build have been updated, which means the next time i post... THERE WILL BE NO MORE PIXEL ART WOOO!!! Thankyou for your kind support, i really wish i could have completed this task sooner...

This game is not bad at all, just chalenging controls... I beat the demo though, i have to say i'm impressed, but i think it would be easyer to have the arow keys work as atlernative movent so players can play it eayser with two handpaws instead of just one, (i cheated by using both of them on the same controls it got the job done at least...) over all this game was kind of borderline addictive can't wait to see where this leads next hehe ^///^

O.O it should have been in the folder if not i'll recompile it maybe i just forgot to put it in earlyer anyways i'm working on new assets for the game should be unrecognizable with the new updates i'm about to issue

^///^ Good news fans! As of April 3rd me and my partner have gotten back together and he found my lost assets so project development has resumed!

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I'm very interested in my follower's input when it comes to this novel, what are your likes and dislikes so far?