this game is so cute im recommending it to all my friends!
Recent community posts
a 5 hour movie is not strictly better than a 2 hour movie
a 2 hour album is not better than a 30 minute album
a 40 hour game is not strictly better than a 3 hour game.
Valuing content over quality is strictly a video game idea. Sometimes long games are great and infinitely replayable ones are also nice but I feel like it becomes more difficult to sell games which are more artistic and story driven and less focused on gameplay.
Your argument is that longer games are more valuable and should fetch a higher price tag, yet you haven't indicated a single reason why. If you think a longer game is more fufilling, may I ask why that may be? If length indicates the quality of work or the amount of work, you have already disproven yourself by saying "this game looks amazing" and ms. Rook has worked on this for over 7 years. I personally don't see value in a longer game because there is nothing a longer game has than a shorter game can't have