I've been loving each update! I can't wait to give this one a go, since I love dynamic text based games!
Also, I don't know if it's somewhere down the road map, but we already have different antagonistic students, would it be possible to also have antagonistic faculty? We can tempt the professors for better grades, but if grades are going to matter down the road, then having a professor coerce a student so as to not lower their grade, maybe even the coaches if the teams aren't doing well, etc. I guess it would probably be a factor that could relate to the personality types and outfit preferences of a faculty member.
Looking at the road map, it looks like something that fits into Crime and Punishment/Consequences for Failure. Especially if some of those interactions extend towards assisting or preventing other students that you're tutoring or acquainted with.
Tho I'd understand if the intention is to keep the game in a more sex positive light with less content focused on coercion/blackmail/noncon. This game already has a great coverage of dynamic content, especially with the 'I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine' kind of vibes. Looking forward to future updates!