Hello Taylor Hebert.
Ariel Schnee
Recent community posts
The online version has some serious problems right now.
Using a Mozilla based browser, it's impossible to click certain things there. In the CYOA creator, I can't click the icons to work the tools properly. In the CYOAs, I can't click the "+", or "-", signs on there.
Using a Chrome browser, no background is there. Just a white screen instead. I can click things with it. But, the background doesn't show up. And the choices aren't highlighted. It's impossible to tell if something was selected there.
The only way I can get it to work is using a hacked Chinese version of Chromium "Chromium 87 x XP SP3". And it takes up a huge amount of memory/CPU on XP. Have too many tabs open, and the browser freezes.
The Mozilla/Chrome problem needs to be solved.