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A member registered Feb 09, 2020

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Yep.  That seems like one of the first things you'd want to verify works properly.

Even if you win the fight, it resets infinitely.  You cannot get past the Celestian Hound and, more to the point, it puts you in an infinite loop, soft locking the game.

If you lose a fight to the dog on the start of the third map, you get stuck in an infinite loop of it fucking you till the end of the battle, and then instantly restarting the battle to do it again.

Nothing I did could get it to work.  It's a shame.  Wanted to try the game, but not willing to reinstall my OS for it, and it doesn't seem to happen with literally anything else.

Any proposed solutions?

The game doesn't seem to run for me.  Downloaded, extracted, click the Game executable and nothing.  Task Manager shows the game running, but nothing happens.

Anybody else had this problem?

They update all the time on their Twitter, their Discord and Patreon. 

How do you get the codes for the gallery?  Don't see it defined on any of the Patreon tiers, though maybe I'm just blind.

Melee only combat with a very short effective range vs enemies with all ranged attacks and touch-on-damage?

That's a recipe for frustration more than for enjoyment.

It's a decent idea, but it front loads waaaaay too much information to the player without a practical application.

You're spamming your way through 20 minutes of dialogue boxes before you get to actually interact with the world, and by then the game expects you to memorize everything they told you.  I never even saw an H Scene because I just got bored from the lack of interactivity.

My advice?  Break the 'tutorial' up into a "Learn then Execute" style.  Teach the player something, and then send them out to utilize what they just learned that evening.  A week of that with the major classes, clubs and a part time job should be the most efficient way to teach your players the basics of what they need to understand your game.

Disregard, I was expecting a struggle with the attack when both minions come up next to you are cock slap you.  The single "Wolf grabs you from behind" struggle mechanic works fine.

Not that I've seen at all.  It's like one attack when it says they grab you, then combat resumes normally without the "Struggle/Wait" option screen.

Just a petty question, it seems like during the fight with the Alpha that you'd intended to do a 'Struggle' mechanic with his two minions grabbing you.  Was that something cut, or just never considered?

Also, being turned into a wolf pack's breeding bitch is pretty damn hot.  Really enjoyable.

That's a pleasant surprise.  Thank you.

(2 edits)

I've never seen the Great Halls and I've no idea on any secret room.  Is there a place where these locations are mentioned to the player, because I couldn't find any looking through the various patch notes.

EDIT:  Also, a legitimate bug I noticed.  The knockback from the Sparta cape can get monsters stuck in the walls, unable to be hit, forcing you to restart.

EDIT2:  Well good news, I found the problem.  I happened to have the older version (2.5) still on my computer, so I played that version and noticed a couple of really striking changes

In the current version, there are no girls chained to the walls as you move through the Prison levels.

In the current version, there is no "Moving to next floor" screen when you find the stair case, it just fades to black and puts you on the next Prison level.

In the current version, there are monsters in literally every room.

None of these are the case in the 2.5 version, which should be the 'older' version.  This leads me to believe that you uploaded the wrong version.

(2 edits)

The problem I'm having is I cannot seem to find any of the 'new' content that is being talked about.  I've never seen the sewers (gotten down to Floor 7 before I had to quit because an enemy spawned in the wall and I couldn't kill it) without seeing anything beyond the usual Goblins, Shamans, Trackers, Slimamancers (who didn't see to have any kind of sex attack), Slimes and the Wall runners.  

From the patch notes, other areas are supposed to be in the game?  Where?  Are they beyond Level 10?

Also, minor gripe, the text in the sex scenes scrolls way too fast.  I can read quickly, but I can't keep up with how fast it flies by my screen sometimes.

EDIT:  Well, the one good thing is that returning to your cell allows you to start from the beginning of the floor you were on, so that's nice.

Now for the bad, and there is a lot of it.  Simply put, this game has absolutely no respect for the Player's time.  Every monster in the game, you are going to encounter are on the first floor.  I made it down to Level 12 before turning the game off in frustration, and no floor was any different from the first with the exception of length.

Length, not difficulty.  The monsters don't get any stronger, but you do by finding the anvils, so by the time you hit floor 5 or 6 you are tearing through all of the mobs like they are made of paper and just scouring through the rooms with no real challenging, hoping that this corridor will lead you to the key or the stairs.  It's a constant fight against boredom (and the stress in my knuckles for having to hold down the WASD keys for so long thanks to how freaking huge each floor is) with the hope of seeing something new on the next floor.

The only excuse I can think of to excuse this is that the wrong version of the game was uploaded, and it just loops the Dungeon floors, because if this is working as intended, holy shit.

Also, I seem to recall a previous version had a Dark Elf player character, while this version doesn't seem to.  Was she removed?

The Blaster is an item you find in the dungeon, you don't have it to start with.

My main complaint on this one is that it starts way too slow.  There's an awkward delay in combat between selecting an action and that action taking effect.  Combat is sluggish because of this, which kills the pacing.  

In addition, the first quest is an annoyance because the Stingers are not guaranteed drops, meaning you have an RNG Grinding quest as the player's first exposure to the game.  Not a great look.  

All in all, it really didn't hold my attention.

I have my Sanity at 5, as low as it can go, playing a female character and I'm not seeing any option or change.  Is there something else I'm missing here?