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Recent community posts
PRAISE: I like the game's cohesive visual style, and I feel it succeeds more than the other entries in that regard. The destructable objects are very impressive, and I enjoyed the comedic audio samples.
CRITIQUE: I feel like there's a context to the game that I'm not getting, but that's more on me. I wish I didn't have to Alt+F4 to exit the game. Sometimes picked up objects would remain held after letting go of the mouse button, and sometimes they wouldn't. I wasn't sure which of these behaviours was the intended one. It took me several plays to realise the bar at the top of the screen was the box's health bar. It's proximity to the timer meant I initially interpretted it as the proportion of time remaining.
PRAISE: I like the accurate colliders on the objects in the scene. It can be fun to toss them all about. Nice to see a sound effect and quit button included as well.
CRITIQUE: I didn't discover any further functionality than throwing the objects about with the mouse, though I assume the game is mostly incomplete in its current form. If there is more functionality that I missed, then the game doesn't allude to it at all.
PRAISE: I like the the inclusion of the custom textures and video, as well as the basic animations. Throwing the boxes can be fun. The atmosphere in the ending corridor was the most impressive aspect of the whole experience for me. The very end made me laugh, though that might not have your intention.
CRITIQUE: Interacting with the boxes is pretty janky. I would've liked a bit more variance between levels, and the level itself could be designed to look more like you're going from one nearly identical room to another, which I believe was the intended effect. Right now it feels too much like you're still in the same room, rather than entering a new but similar room. Fixing this might be as simple as rotating the player to face into the room after the fade to black, as well as adding a door to the other side of the room for the second and third levels.