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A member registered 62 days ago

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I think that discord link expired?

(3 edits)

Things I like about this game:

  • Fun mix of Tetris and DOOM
  • The ability to effectively "cheat" and modify Tetrominos by shooting them, whether they're placed or even mid-drop
  • The boss you get if your board gets full

Things I don't like:

  • The controls in Tetris mode, and the fact that you can't remap them
  • The music is a bit loud
  • Swapping back to Tetris mode is even louder (I guess because the game is coded to "kill" all block enemies when swapping to Tetris mode and their death sounds all play at once?)
  • Ammo Refill Pickups on the DOOM mode map have mismatched hitboxes

Also, I think it'd be neat if some blocks have different icons aside from just ammo, such as health pickups or different enemy types that have icons representing them.

All in all, I'm quite interested, and I'll definitely be wishlisting this.