I'd really love to see a Butler addition to the pack. It was one of most plentiful bin brands around a good chunk of the Midwest for decades.
Recent community posts
Any chance you can fix the crappy planting area these have? The slightest bump in the field surface makes it skip the entire width of the planter. Field 19 and 20 were planted using the 694A. I've also used the 894 from a different release back when Mossy Glen was fairly new. Not sure who released that version or why I no longer have it.
Why are the toolbars (the small one, at least) fillable at the anhydrous station? I was dragging it and a small tank home, so I swung by the station to fill the tank, but wasn't pulled ahead far enough when I started filling. I saw my money going down, but the fill gauge for the tank wasn't moving. I stopped it at something like 2700 liters. Sure enough, the toolbar had that much in it. I did an entire field and barely used any of that, so it used none from the tank. I finally edited the xml for my savegame to clear it out of there, since Dev Tools didn't think it could empty it.