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A member registered Apr 11, 2018 · View creator page →

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It's its own thing inspired by Mega Man and many other games.


Ohhhh that explains some things I saw when I search for my game sometimes lol


(1 edit)

I planned to give a better CRT filter but there's barely any other CRT shaders available for ClickTeam Fusion. So unfortunately this is the best I can use for now.

Thanks for the comment though!! I'll try to look into it again.


Yess! Selena is honestly my favorite character, you will see her appearing in the upcoming demo next week.

Thank you so much!! I'll keep doing everyone proud!

Yeah X is a bit of a shorty I believe. Also I forgive you. Thank you for the apology, I feel better about this now. :>

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To this day, I'm still kind of lost on this concern. Like... did you actually think Clara was dating a little girl just because of the height difference?? Or do you think dating someone shorter than you, even if the age gap is close, is problematic? If so, that's very closed minded to think this. I'm 5'4 and one of my partners is way taller, does that make them problematic to date me despite me being in my 30s?

Also why did you think Netflix's movie had anything to do with Clara's dialog in the game? They didn't even invent the word "cutie"... That's just a normal word couples use on each other. I'm kind of insulted at the implications you'd think I'd reference that movie for some reason.

I'm sorry for bringing this up months later, but this entire chain of comments honestly affected me and made me very self conscious of my own height and how my characters are perceived. 

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Did you plug it in before or after booting the game? If after, try turning off the game and turn it back on after the controller is connected. Clickteam Fusion games (and many other games sadly) has the odd quirk of not recognizing a controller that's been plugged mid-game.

If that doesn't work, is it okay to ask which controller is it? My goal is to ensure every controller can be detected.

Thank you!!!

I forgot to say Lina Ciari (designer of Selena and Clara) drew that!

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Dude like mass 1-star games in like a single day, almost every day. I wonder if he even plays them. Because how the hell do you dedicate this much time to playing and rating so many games in a single day this often?? And even so like... if he hates that many games then why he is even bothering with the platform when he obsessively checks out every page he knows he won't like? Does he even enjoy games? Like. I don't get it.

What are your motives, MindlessFool? Please explain to us about your bizzare existance because none of this makes any god damned sense. We just want to know what the flying fuck is your problem with everyone.

Oh you got hit by this jerk too? Also great video, he also 1 starred my game and a bunch of my friends' as well. Like, barely any games he ever rated is any higher like he must really hate everyone's works.

LOL it's not a discord link you illiterate fuck

Thank you!


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Great! The multiple bundles is a great idea! Looking forward them! <3

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Yeah I will rework some parts. I notice people struggle with the Waspins way more than I anticipated. I will figure out everything else as well! Thank you for the feedback again!

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Oh hey, thanks for the feedback! (also its never too late for feedback, I didn't want you to feel obligated or anything to drop any, sorry if I made you feel pressured!)

Do you know which pits in particular are giving you trouble? I can look into improving that part of the level design for better distinction. I am also planning to make Gems easier to acquire in the future, I might lower down the weapon/shield prices a little bit and also reward people more gems if they've clear the challenge score. I'm glad it isn't just me feeling that (I often worry if I make things too easy so I tend to overcorrect).

Lastly, as for ladders, was there anything in particular that made it difficult?

For the saves, did you extract the game out of the zip file? That's the usual cause of it not working since files don't get updated inside zip. But if that wasn't the case, I'll look into what's causing the bug.

Anyways, thanks! I'm excited to keep improving the game for everyone. <:

Thank you!! Glad you've enjoyed it!

Yeah, I was working on a WIP sprite edit of that a few weeks ago.


Shes a robot so I couldnt figure out a way to address her age. But shes always made to be like 23.

Nadine is around 23ish (even though she's a robot). Clara is 25.

The art style is chibi-ish but Clara's sprite was made last minute so we didn't have the time to properly scale her down a bit lol.

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Oh. She just likes Nadine, thats all. Theyre both adults. As for the Netflix movie youre talking about, completely unrelated and an also incredible ridiculous stretch. You do realize Netflix did not invent the word, right?

which line?

Nadine 5'6

Clara 6'4

Selena 5'7

Is how they are intended to be.

She is meant to be 6 feet but her sprite ended up being too tall lol

I can't wait for the final game. I'd buy it in an instant.

At the moment seven worlds are planned in total


thank you!!


Yeah that's my deadname its showing as. I wonder if I am allowed to change it lol

Okay, it turns out I forgot to activate and verify info for my Stripe account. See if it works now.

I'll look into this. Seems to be something on my end. Someone else is having a similar issue.

Let me know if it works! I'm gonna make an announcement if people are able to make purchases w/o paypal.

There! Credit Card should be an option now! Sorry for that, I'm still kind of new to itch payment stuff lol