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A member registered Sep 10, 2023

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there's a preview of ep 5 from the 7th july on patreon, nothing but wallpapers since then. i'm guessing aigas is busy irl

i can tell you, this game is very good. nice plot, good dialogue, amazing quality

ne, nur englisch soweit ich weiß

thanks for the info, after looking into various forums with people having the same issue as me, altering the content of maps.rpy did the trick. if you want I can attach the altered file

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hey, i encountered a bug where after the shoot with em and jess ht map pos up without anything to select. is that the end of the current version or is it just a bug for me? playing on mac, ver 0.9

the directory for the saves are specified in many scripts of renpy and python, so if you changed their location by creating a subfolder in the original location, the game won't find them, since it doesn't know about said folder. try moving them into -as you said- /renpy/saves/lucky.paradox out of the folder you created. then restart the game and see if they are visible. if not, details of what you already did and tried, or changed could help too

that's odd. it seems either the directory that specifies where the save files are stored changed somehow, or you moved them by accident. it's hard to give precise steps for troubleshooting without information tho.  i assume you're either playing on android or windows? normally the saves are stored either inside the game folder or a dedicated renpy folder.   

lol, you sound defeated

but it is out though and not a day later than expected

do they work though? or is it throwing errors at you

sounds like your installation is broken. if you want to stay at 0.9.2 install it again, or update to 0.9.3 if you want. since other saves didn't work either, that's the most logical approach

probably your save file is corrupted. i had no problems reusing older saves. neither on mac nor on windows

public releases are a week after the patreon release, so it should come out in the next 2-3 days

it is mentioned in the patch notes:

  • EMMA: You can help Emma train her powers! Visit her in the GARDEN and select "About your powers..."!
  • EMMA: You can now find emma in the GARDEN every WEEKDAY AFTERNOON!

yeah, because it's not compressed like the android version. the content is the same, just the quality is reduced for mobile

ja, jedes Update bringt guten Content und das ist wichtig, nicht wie viel es ist :D

priorities set straight hahaha

sure then, good luck with your own game, i didn't want to sound mad or pissed at you for stating your opinion, so i'm sorry if i did. in the end we don't know why there was no major update for a long time but hopefully the next update brings a lot of new content

it's not december right? if it is, you need to wait for january to complete the quest

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well, the game isn't able to access a few required files like script code, images/renders etc. let me guess, you play on android right? i'm not sure if the game is in .apk format, but if not you need to move the archive folder into the games folder and restart the game. after that everything should work as intended

there is, for 5 bucks

on itch, if you pay once you get all the newer versions without paying a second time

finish the prologue and go to bed. it will give you the option to start the christmas event

RenPy may be easy to learn, but like any other game engine, hard to master. Rendering the scenes and images in that quality takes a shit ton of time, at least when you want it to look decent. Then story: Ideas, tests, rewriting and all that.  Koikatsu also only gives you the models. Poses, animations, other clothes, all that has to be handmade. I've not seen a koikatsu model coming with animations, tons of poses or many different outfits. Facial expressions, emotions and all that are hard to nail too, so don't act like the all mighty game dev when you actually know nothing more about developing nor programming then what software is used

you need to mine 3 amethysts, craft them into a gemstone and buy the touch lamp from cindy. after that go to the storage room and craft the amethyst lamp.

talk with her and spend time when she walks around the mall

exp is the coloured bar under the name, for rachel it's orange/clay and for coyote it's blue. it's full when there is no grey part anymore

when at school look at the lower left handed corner, there should be an arrow there to open the quick travel. there you can selct the club and travel there instantly

afaik there is no chinese translation for this game.

which platform do you use to download the game? if on pc, i recommend using the itch launcher.

calm down, komisari has a real life and a family too, he can't work on the game 24/7. game development takes a lot of time and mixed with work/school and family/friends can be tiring. some people get depression and burnouts because of that

no, why would there be a difference?

even if you finished the event, you'll have to wait for january to meet her

looking forward to the free release of this update. all these sneak peeks are hyping it up even more, good work stawer

what platform do you play on?

as far as i know events in the club only trigger at noon. The fact that you used a cheat code should not be a problem. I suggest you go to the club at noon and try your luck.

the choices do have an impact story-wise and also on the relationships with the characters. It happens that developers make mistakes, that's perfectly normal. Later on i haven't had any problems whatsoever.

that's the problem with compressing the game as much as possible to keep the installation easy. apk files can't exceed 2GB and for such a big game to meet that criteria quality has to be reduced.

haven't even played yet but the constant rant about NTR is so fucking good so BIG love to you steradianfauns my unrelated brother