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A member registered Apr 18, 2017

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(1 edit)

Thanks Lordbaaa, I was just about to post the ini names, since I felt that some seemed notable.

I also tried swapping some of the files around to see if anything might happen, such as putting drown.ini or DEATH.ini in On the edge, as well as changing the internal settings of these files, no noteworthy impact so far.

I thought I would try to take the 1st picture of The Painful Box, and change the perspective to see if there's anything there, but I'm having trouble mapping the horizontal axis. I don't think I can quite do it, at least not with 100% accuracy. On the 2nd picture, does anyone know what is being shown? I was thinking washing machines because of the one at the bottom mid-left, but I'm not sure looking at the rest.

I don't normally interact with communities on such a "game", but one of these days, a real psychopath is gonna think it fun or funny to do something like this with real stakes. No offence Unknown Dev, but that said, I'm gonna see what I can do with ______, if nothing is concerning, I'l keep quiet.

Best of luck to the rest of you.

EDIT: By the way, every one of these contains a data folder with 4 files, 1 is an exe that as far as I can tell does the exact same thing which is to read the .dat file of the same name, you can mix and match .dat and .exe freely in this manner and it will work so long as they have the same name. So to anyone digging through file contents, .dat is where you wanna look, and use the .exe to figure out how. Not that I care, but to all of you who are "playing" this, I can't vouch for what is and is not a legit method of "playing".