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A member registered Apr 26, 2019 · View creator page →

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A beautiful game that explores the character of Satoru Gojo from the hit video game franchise Fortnite. The combination of fast, engaging gameplay and the deep, moving story make a contender for Game of the Year. 

isnt this the guy from fortnite

pls add minky mouse :)

how do i save :(

need him to kiss me even harder when i tip him

i really like the pause theme

amogu s on the title screen!!!!???????

Seriously, this was very fun!

Yes, it's quite difficult. I will go cry myself to sleep now.

(2 edits)

I feel like no matter what ending I'm getting, I'm being talked down to. Not even the strawman pressuring you to buy the game, but even the "voice of reason." I don't know there's just something about this that doesn't sit right with me.

Edit: I just realized the game isn't even out yet at the time of this writing. What?

Edit 2: I think I understand it now? Sort of? I don't know, I guess because I've been drifting away from my trans I just saw the whole situation revolving Hogwarts Legacy as not that big of a deal (and I think in the grand scheme of things, it's not as big of a deal) but I'm starting to get why it is a big deal to many. It does contribute to amplifying the already loud voices of transphobes and sends a message to those that don't feel strongly that all of this trans stuff is a bunch of nonsense.

I think what didn't sit right with me about the game is that it turns this into an incredibly simple cause and effect, when things just are not like that. Buying the game won't immediately kill every trans person on the planet, but it'll hurt trans people because they see that no matter what nobody is gonna care. They can say all they want about JKR, about policies that are being put in place, rights being stripped away, but if whoever they're telling this to doesn't care and still buys it anyway they'll be discouraged and try not to fight as much until they eventually give up.

That's just my take on the matter, though. Sorry for the big text wall, there's just a lot I want to say.

This was so fun!! I played all the way to Blackhole rank on UnityRoom. The art is so cute and the gameplay is simple but engaging. I love the main character, she's so cute no matter what size she is

very epic remix of the title theme

you know

This was really fun! It's simple but challenging enough that you still feel satisfied when you solve it.

rot13 spoilers

V qvqa'g xabj gung gur tvzzvpx jnf qvntbanyf. V trahvaryl gubhtug lbh unq gb tb vagb gur svyrf naq rqvg gur yriryf lbhefrys, juvpu vf jung V qvq.

I wasn't that big of a fan of the first one, but I really loved this!

insane how you post this after i beat babataire after days of attempts

good game

It was fun, but I tried to do a second playthrough and it started me with the full party and all of the event flags checked. It was immediately after finishing the game doing only resolution stuff, so maybe that factored into it.

I would love if you could say "I hate you" at some point in this.

git gud

I did captioning and audio transcription for a while and got paid jack shit.

This is absolutely accurate.

Fun game! Ending felt a bit anti-climatic, but I liked the level design. It feels nostalgic for some reason, like a better version of the browser platformer games I would play in my youth.

I don't have the chance to play the level in full right now, but I am loving it. It's nice to go back to something easier after the insanity that was King.

Also, I just noticed that only one more member of holoMyth is left. I hope this game will keep going even after that once the holoCouncil girls put out their own music.

Loving the new update, but this new map is way harder than the last two. Glad there's some new challenge, though. Keep up the good work.

wo ai beijing tiananmen
tiananmen shang taiyang sheng



Lots of fun, and such the art really remains faithful to the original! 10/10 would cum again