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Arya Biswas

A member registered Oct 26, 2015 · View creator page →

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Just tried the demo out and the game feels fantastic! The controls are very responsive, the music is atmospheric, and I'm getting serious Bloodborne vibes.

As a side note, it'd be really nice if d-pad controls were patched in for menu selections; I found myself habitually reaching for it much of the time. Some light SFX for menu selections would probably complement the overall level of polish well.

Good luck with the Kickstarter; I hope LUCAH gets funded!

Thank you so much for playing! It's challenging to contextualize the abstract, often hidden feelings of the queer community into a tangible experience, and I think you articulated our message behind One really well. We made it at a time very early in our game design careers, and working within the constraints of our technical knowledge lent itself quite naturally to mechanical simplicity.

I find that most people who've played One without context come to their own idiosyncratic conclusions about the message, and I've enjoyed leaving the game up to interpretation. It was fascinating how the game felt dynamically similar (and perhaps even better) with a single person playing, as it was originally made for two players!

Feel free to spread the word, and thank you again for trying the game out!