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A member registered Jul 16, 2021

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Did they fix that with the new update?

Did they fix it with the new update????

he needs to be informed about it first :/ 

So, each time you start a game, a sim will be attracted by different things? Can't it stay the same way? It might need a patch 

So all Sims preferences are being resetted each time you load the game? That's bad 

(3 edits)

Hello! I would like to ask a question. I tried to develop all sims' attractiveness, and it finally ended to make all girls being attracted to....girls!!! I don't think this was a random event. Is it probably a bug or something?  I then chose it by myself and fixed it. Tried to make (again) a random development, and then it was everything ok. But the first one came with 0% likes of men and 100% likes of girls!!! :/

Also, are various things you learn about personality archetypes, or what attracts or not a sim written somewhere for us to see and remember? There was nothing in the 'sim profile' UI page. So I should write it down on paper to remember it :/