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A member registered Oct 27, 2014 · View creator page →

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Oh, that shouldn't be there... Thanks, I'll look into it

Thank you!

Guten tag!

Asatiir here, I absolutely enjoyed your LP! I definitely spotted a few things that need some cleaning up and fixing, I will definitely add those in an update. I have subscribed on my other account and will definitely watch more of your plays! You really made my day!

Thank you! I definitely do have more planned in the future, I still have my main project to work on but more adaptations like this are coming

I'm sure it's a little too late, but if you purchased the game and got a steam code for it. You can play the game through Proton, I was just playing the game earlier this way.

Thank you so much! The next update to the demo will include a bit of gameplay, so stay tuned for that! :D

I hope I'm not too late

This is exactly what I was looking for! I wish there was a Linux version but I can live with the windows version.

Thank you! Gameplay is in the schedule of the next  few updates, I hope it doesn't disappoint!

I was hoping someone would find it, thank you lol

Well I might have sorted out the problem, I booted up to Linux and exported the prototype from there. I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you! More is definitely coming, so happy to find you here!

I hope we don't disappoint

Thank you for getting back to me, I still didn't figure out how to get it to run on linux. I will try to figure it out within a few weeks once I get something out of the way. Thank you for your patience

hey, so I installed ubuntu on a virtual machine and I'm trying to figure out how to run the game on there. Just to check, do you by any chance have NW.js installed on your machine?

I Will look into it, unfortunately I don't have a machine that runs Linux so this may take a while

game is currently a work in progress, there is a demo coming up soon

This is a prototype I've made of a project a few friends and I tried making a while back, originally we wanted to make it on Unity but we were very inexperienced and I found it was pretty doable on RPG Maker using a combination of the MV3D plugin with a few others (listed in the game's credits). I still had some trouble with balancing enemies and some parts need more refinement, but I thought I'd worry about that when I rework it into a full game.

I've been interested in trying out the system before buying the source code, but the game doesn't seem to run on my side. I'm on windows 10 if that helps.

I'm making a kinetic novel version of a 1940s radio drama based on a Nathaniel Hawthorne short story called The Curse of the Mantle (the original short story version is titled Lady Eleanore's Mantle). I really liked the telling of the radio drama that I thought it would be good practice to turn it into a kinetic novel.

Story is about a Lady who becomes fixated over a cursed,  red,  mantle and how her life falls apart because of its curse. 

I was a little confused at first, but managed to win the second time, had a bit of a chuckle with some of the writing and some of the names - well done!

Thanks, man. Progress has been going slow due to the wallpaper, but will be back at it once I'm done with that wallpaper.

Updates to the game have been going slow since I have been busy finishing up the bonus wallpaper for my supporters, it is 78% done with only two more characters to finish.

Had an art stream for it just a few days ago, you can watch the speed paint version of it here:

Thank you!

Thank you!

Only updating since I have one more picture to add, World Game Expo is soon so I might as well push it out asap


  • Added background: Firalda's Home

Game available here

Also available on the Google Play Store (older version)

Been a while since my last update, was distracted working on my nanoreno project even after nanoreno was over. Since Game Expo is near, I decided to get back to working on Roses since I'm trying to submit my game to their competition (which I have doubts it will qualify from the incomplete state the game is in). but I managed to add a few things in this update


  • Added portrait - Firalda Shocked
  • Entire game reformatted for Ren'Py's latest format
  • "Changelog" button in main menu replaced with "support on patreon"
  • Different "temporary" main menu until I could figure out the new GUI better
  • "missing subtitle" bug fixed, but will need realignment in later update
  • Centered dialog text

I'm not sure if the new format broke anything if you're trying to update the game (I actually doubt it will update anyway since it's a completelty different project file), but as a safety precaution I would recommend you delete the old game and install the new one in its stead. I will not be held responsible of any bugs or broken saves that will result from the update.

Game available here

Also available on the Google Play Store (older version)

Been a while since my last update, was distracted working on my nanoreno project even after nanoreno was over. Since Game Expo is near, I decided to get back to working on Roses since I'm trying to submit my game to their competition (which I have doubts it will qualify from the incomplete state the game is in). but I managed to add a few things in this update


  • Added portrait - Firalda Shocked
  • Entire game reformatted for Ren'Py's latest format
  • "Changelog" button in main menu replaced with "support on patreon"
  • Different "temporary" main menu until I could figure out the new GUI better
  • "missing subtitle" bug fixed, but will need realignment in later update
  • Centered dialog text
I'm not sure if the new format broke anything if you're trying to update the game (I actually doubt it will update anyway since it's a completelty different project file), but as a safety precaution I would recommend you delete the old game and install the new one in its stead. I will not be held responsible of any bugs or broken saves that will result from the update.

Game available here

Also available on the Google Play Store (older version)

(1 edit)

I know I've been shifting the changelog a lot, but bear with me this will be the last time I do this, changelog will now be on the devlog forum in the official community but also on my Patreon page. Where besides that you can name your price on itch, you can also support Roses and my work for as low as $1 onward

edit: never mind, seems like I can just link posts here to there without issues.

Finally getting into the final art, I have animated and illustrated the first scene where Firalda's father is calling her. The animation might get a better touch up later, but for now I'm happy with how it looks like. The file is going to be smaller in future updates, I'm slowly converting all the imagery to webp to save on space and I didn't delete the old pictures just to be safe for now


  • Final art on first scene done

Game available here

Also available on the Google Play Store (older version)

(1 edit)

You can now download over 400 PDFs of art books, courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art:

thought this might be useful for artists here

I added kind of a "tutorial about how I do my art for the game on hexels here:

(3 edits)

I made a poll yesterday, asking people if they would like to see how I draw things on hexels for Roses. Surprisingly, I got 5 out of 7 votes saying "yes". I'm using the part of the cutscene that I'm currently working on, it shows my method in its entirety. I don't see any reason in keeping this method from others, if someone finds use in this, they might possible find a quicker more effective way on how it works so that others may benefit from it.

(turned transparent to show placeholder sketch to show what I'm doing.)

It's no secret that I'm using layers in order to animate it (animation to be made later), but working layers makes it easy to focus on parts of the character's body from both the shape of the body and also help with shading. It is especially important with the I'm going for that is very heavy in shadows and contrasting bright colors.

Let's take a look at it with the grid on, I am using the smallest trixels option in hexels since they are very flexible and help making the angular drawing be what it is.

There are 4 elements I'm using here:

  • Lit Hexels (color)
  • Shaded Hexels (black)
  • Inner Outline (color)
  • Outer Outline (black)

You might be thinking those are just two but it's important separate them for my explanation. Please use the bottom picture as reference for the 4 elements I'm using.

Lit Hexels (color):

I usually start drawing the character's basic shape with the colors and then start using the shaded hexels. In this piece I started with black to draw the basic shape, then added the lit hexels onto side I want lit. Lit hexels are what you see the key lighting shines on, it's the main light in the picture.

Shaded hexels (black):

This is the most important element of this entire method, but also the most obscured since the backgrounds black also. The shaded hexels here are dependent on all the elements listed here to be what they are. A fill light would usually be used here to eliminate the shadow this are lights on, but is, and in this case also, not used for mood, leaving key light main source of light.

Inner Outline (color):

If you use hexels, you would know that the outline tool doesn't draw on the line of the shape, but on the inside and the outside of that line. This is a much more flexible solution than the former description as it gives you more options as you would come to realize in this post.

The inner outline acts more like a key light, to show an outline instead of losing the shape entirely to the shadows that the black background consist of. Showing where the shape of subject ends in the dark. it's on the inner side of the shape just so it ends seamlessly with the the lit hexels.

In some cases is doesn't necessarily need to be the same color as the lit hexels, but that depends of the lighting in the scene. I will illustrate that better once I draw a scene that shows that in a later post.

Outer Outline (black):

Like the shaded hexels, this particular outline goes invisible in the black background, but works as an outline in lit areas. The reason this outline exists is so the inner outline's color and the lit hexels don't lose shape or clash with other colors as there isn't much shading in this method beyond the pitch black shadows.

Let's take Firalda's hairband's knot as an example. The Outer outline is drawn around the parts of the knot that are on the foreground, and over the parts in the back, overlapping the bits in the back to show depth. Notice that the inner outline melds with the lit hexels and is tucked beneath the outer outline that overlaps it.

I drew an extra shape (right) to further explain my method.

As you see here, the outer outline is invisible once we turn on the black background, but the inner outline helps preserves the shape of the subject.

To further explain this method, I moved that shape on top of the knot. You can see that the outlines have perserved the shapes in their own respects both in dark and in color.

I probably didn't explain this method very well, but that's the reason why I posted this in Roses' community forum, this post is open to for discussion if anyone would like to contribute or ask quesions.

Hi all, it has been a while since my last update. This update isn't that big but now the intro is fully illustrated with placeholders that will be changed with finalized art through the next updates. I also fixed some of the code and the transitions that I seem to have overlooked since I've rewritten the script. They should mostly be fixed, otherwise I will fix them once I get to making placeholders/final art in that particular scene in the game.


  • Intro fully illustrated with placeholders
  • Transitions got a little fix in the entire chapter
  • some script changes.

Game available here

Also available on the Google Play Store (older version)

(1 edit)

Hi all, it has been a while since my last update. This update isn't that big but now the intro is fully illustrated with placeholders that will be changed with finalized art through the next updates. I also fixed some of the code and the transitions that I seem to have overlooked since I've rewritten the script. They should mostly be fixed, otherwise I will fix them once I get to making placeholders/final art in that particular scene in the game.


  • Intro fully illustrated with placeholders
  • Transitions got a little fix in the entire chapter
  • some script changes.

Game available here

Also available on the Google Play Store (older version)

Hello and a belated happy new year to all, it didn't occur to me that the last blog post would have been the last one of 2016. It was a good year for Roses Will Rise in many ways, my military training ended giving me more time to work on it, it was a great time to expose the game more to the Internet as some finalized art was done (namely the backgrounds), and I was able to put better, clearer milestones for myself to keep the game development going as compared to the year before. 2017, from what I see of the progress I've made so far is going to be a bigger year for the game and hopefully for more things going forward.

I am still working on the placeholders for the intro, as I am writing this post, I have exactly 3 more placeholders to sketch. I will post the next update once they're done with a few bug fixes here and there, and will later focus on working on the finalized art and animation of the intro, alongside starting on a proper UI for the game.

As many of have known for some time, I have been part of a team known as Zombie Camel Games. We haven't made much in terms of games due to our busy scheduling, and looking as how things are going I decided to go solo. There are no differences or drama regarding this, in fact the team gave me their blessing in this decision.

What that really means that I am working completely indepdently with my own schedule and everything. Initially my story-focused games were under a series I called "Asatiir's Tales", future games including Roses will Rise will now be made under that development name instead of Zombie Camel Games. Here's hoping this year I have it be where I want it to be.

Not much of an update with this version, added a few placeholders, some size fixes and the rest is more to help with the rest of the game past chapter 1.


  • added new placeholder for the intro.

Game available here

Also available on the Google Play Store (older version)

(1 edit)

Not much of an update with this version, added a few placeholders, some size fixes and the rest is more to help with the rest of the game past chapter 1.


  • added new placeholder for the intro.

Game available here

Also available on the Google Play Store (older version)

also I got this sweet fanart from pileobeans off twitter, S'Ouila braiding Firalda!