Yes, I prefer the first one with the F-20. I can't comment on the flight model in this one, as I don't have a xbox controller.
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Although you aren't redoing the flight model, I really prefer the old/original flight model. The original game is the only flight sim I've really gotten into, and that's because the physics were easy and fun. More realistic models always feel weird and overly hard to control, and the old model really feels(too a newbie) like you're controlling a plane, without weird and stiff controls.
The one thing that I think contributes to this the most is not having the nose of the plane sway back a bit after yawing.
If you make another "arcadey" flight sim, please consider making it a bit less realistic than this.
I prefer the former flight model. The new one kind of ruins what I realy like about the original, which is that it's simple. Planes were easy to control, you could do some cool maneuvers, and it was challenging. However, now flight is much harder, and there is a lot of extra things to worry about. I'll still play the game in whatever version, I just would prefer the old flight model. Good job making it!