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A member registered May 12, 2021

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If I had one word to describe the endings it would be bittersweet. I'll trust the content warning and not doing the Miyah route, and from checking the images in the folders, I think there might be something in the Gerald route too so I avoid it for the time being. I know its your story and all, but it kinda bummed me out how things just became this depressing with the characters I grown sort of attached to.  Even the ones which end on a more positive note have this sadness to them, and felt the whole game in tone was a bit different from the previous one. I liked how the main character is more involved in the ingame pictures, and his personality was  entertaining. Also, comparing the straight forwardness and lack of choices compared to the previous game  is something I approve, as I still have the memories of brute forcing myself through those and that detracted from the experience.

Popcorn is still best boy, he shines especially in the Lika chapter Well,  I dont think I'll be able to test it, but thank you for going through all the trouble to convert it so I could try :)

I don't have firefox, but I tried to run it on internet explorer and chrome. I can't get past the white 'loading....' screen after waiting 5 minute. Refreshing doesn't help it either

Hey, I would just like to ask, is there a possibility of having a 32 bit version of this game in the future? I came from steam hoping I could run this version as I got curious of the game, but cannot run neither this version nor the steam version

It doesnt sound corporate that you want to improve something you have created, dont worry about it. Although if/when you do update the game, a changelog would be beneficial to see what is different.

(2 edits)

Yeah I stumbled upon the correct path by sheer tenacity, made a spreadsheet just to pass event2, and as far as I know, there is no different outcome on event3, and he will allways get bored by the questions, all 16 combination gave the same outcome.

I even made a comment about it, but deleted it, because I felt I came off a bit harsh, but still I believe +1 mistake to be able to make to continue the story would be benefical, because replaying the events over and over to  make it through felt kind of artifical and threw me out of the story. Hell I made this account just to ask for help

Nice to see popcorn is popular though, and I for one vote for more of him if there is an update in the future :)

Also this was a response to the 'figure out' comment, but it seemed that I broken the flow of conversation between you and Moon, so I deleted and posted to this one.

(1 edit)

There is 12288 different variation that I can play out if every path HAVE to be correct. At this point I tried around 42 and already feel like im just crunching numbers instead of enjoying the game, it threw me out of the loop and pretty much just brute forcing it. I already started to assume the 32 bit version is bugged, because out of curiosity I went to gerald's path and had no luck there either.

So please 1-2 hint which one is a correct answer could drastically reduce the amount of trial and error I have to try. Does going to crunch the leaves with him is a good or bad  thing? I usually assume standing up and claiming the game is ours is the correct answer, but at this point I dont even know.  When in the car first time, out of the 4 paths, which is the correct? Should I be scolding him the way he act with his brother? Doesnt sound like I should, but that kinda what he implies i should at the end that when he says 'I go along with everything'.

Hey dude, I would just like to ask for some sort of walkthrough. I'm trying to go for popcorn and every combination I have tried makes me fail at event2, getting the bad ending.  I just want to know what triggers a success, as even when I do all the "agressive" options, he still calls me tryhard and weak