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A member registered Dec 20, 2022

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I softlocked myself already.  accidentally backtracked in the second room

Also the climbing game has an exploit where you can bypass every obstacle by reaching to the rock above the first you see onscreen, then go for the next rock when the screen transition. just keep moving your hand up and you win. fun game though

oh my god I'm stupid. I thought that it would have window resizing as a gimmick. I was tired as fuck when I read it at first

This is very clearly AI-generated.

speedruns are gonna be FUN

huh, premise reminds me of how I played Mari! Mari! Mari!. Neat.

wait, you got this on FOUR times less than Super Mario Bros? How did you optimise it so well? It's not even a zip file, that's the whole game!

good job

fun game, I still suck though, the hen fields boss is tough

he actually made a game, heck yeah.

Great game! This needs a PVP mode, right now! (dunno how I beat it despite blundering a lot of pieces though. Also I think the lasers just stopped being able to function partway through level 3)

Also it feels a little like a music game somehow. 

Also it's very intuitive.

cute, very simple but fun

Utter trash. Didn't even make it yourself, why even enter a game jam if you don't even do anything but submit the AI's work? It wasn't even good enough to have more than 10 unique responses

Yukari said the same 4 to 5 paragraphs 6 times each. The text was hard to read, and it was so boring that taking a piss is ore entertaining.

what's the point of this if I could recreate this while taking a shit? You didn't even make it yourself!

also ice crystal, charm, alice, shanghai, shanghai meant Okuu could attacck THIRTY ONE TIMES in one turn

Once you get past the hordes of other Okuu ice crystral combos, okuu ice crystal REALLY shines

Before then replacing that with charm is good.

Okuu, charm,charm, kappa mirror, ice crystal.

anyone got any ideas on shutting down Youmu combos? (that's this combo's crippling flaw)

The desync happens when shinmy hits a wall but the clone doesn't, or vice versa. 

still an interesting level to solve though.

Anyone else having desyncing issues on the bowl introduction level? Great game though


I found a way to get out of bounds using the slope (make it bigger), but I had to fall over to the other side first. I know it's a glitch but honestly it could be a mechanic of it's own tbh. I was trying to use it as a jump of sorts

very fun, also cheesing levels is fun

pretty hard but fun

alos I like how different failure states have different endings

(read more for spoilers on an ending)

maxing out exactness is a secret ending that results in failure :( then again, the choices to get there sucked morally.


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I can't read 10/10

jokes aside, is there an english translation?

This game's glitches are fun

can you show us the intended way to beat Remi btw?

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I kinda just drove around the enemies in circles and let them come to me

edit: to clarify, so Koakuma could shoot them, I just tried to dodge.

PS: it's kinda funny how easy it is to get out of bounds by just driving  around.

PS2: no need for PS.

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This is sorta unrelated but I somehow managed to mess around trying to improve my aim in Eldritch Koakuma's level (after getting all 3) that she actually died. somehow.

Probably just a really high health pool so (spoiler)

Thanks for the tip!


btw, I think I kinda missed every encounter with Cirno except the one at the start and the one in the netherworld

(3 edits)

I love how adorable the character art is. Also the fact that the cutscene triggers are location-based makes for absolutely funny time shenanigans. 

also can you release the character art and music as their own file(s)? 

edit:also, the art in general's great! It's got quite the charm to it!

also when the NPCs have dialogue, or their little mini-actions between their turns, it's great! the little bits of character make this game even better than it would be without them!

The comedy is worth it, though the outfits and art make it ten times better. 

Great art, also Murasa, stop flooding the baths!

Yes I know she's not here, but she's probably doing it right now! 

jokes aside, loved it! also the flavour text was a joy to read. great story in general!

funni game