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A member registered Aug 02, 2018

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Hey guys, a quick question. I know there was a guide for the game somewhere. It's outdated, I know but super useful to get things done the correct way until the more new stuff. I remember many of the answers but not fully. If you can share the link amazing.


What? Do you mean the ton/bottom deal?

Look on Dyne blog, it's somewhere over there the guide.

(1 edit)

He puts both update on the same note. Enter to the 1.64 update note and you can see the Harold update there.

Dyne post a guide somewhere, I don't remember exactly but exist. On my first run with Spencer (like 4 months ago) he end up asking if you want to be on top or bottom. With the guide, Dyne explain he use a "confident score" which determined who make the first move over the other (related to more than sex). Try to find the guide and retry the run, you will lose some love point but you will bottom so..... Win win?

Emmmm you can be on bottom.... You have to make the rights decesions 😏

Who is Eric?? The original name of the MC?

He went through a artist change for working issue (I don't have the details and you can find it in his blog and his respond down here) and the answer is no, the anime style won't come back (which I'm fan too but that doesn't matter)