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A member registered Dec 17, 2021

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Think dress looks low quality when compared to high quality face

Hey, how is the development going ? It was a while since the last update :)

Congrats on squashing all of those bugs :)

It seems like demand for luxury items is way too big, leaving you burning quickly through the supplies, or having discontent maxed out fast

Does outfit choice or shaving change anything during the game ? Because while I appreciated appearance customization, I also like it to have some impact on surrounding world. Without any impact it seems pointless

Perfect, can't wait to see for what you have planned :)

You definitely know how to keep up interest of the game 👀 

Also I see a new underwear top ? 🤔

RIP then - have to start over /:

Looks like I can't start new missions from the bridge after using old save 🤔

Is save from 0.1 compatible with 0.2 ?

Game dead?

Hey, that's a pretty good first release!

Things I liked:

- Scifi setting

- Avatar system with some customisation - implying further wardrobe choices 👀

- Reputation system - love games where world feels alive and is reactive to player actions

- Robotic room in wip with possibilities of setting laws in future

Things I didn't like:

- No way for MC to react when harassed - would appreciate options to comply, ignore and fight back

- No way to gather more supplies at current stage of game

- Some scenes were kinda nasty - would be nice to have some payback, or have ability to not see them

Things could be better:

- laws - seems intriguing, would love to have laws forcing MC to wear certain kind of clothes, having stripper, waitress jobs, allowing to get groped and so on

- More clothes for MC! - even better for crew to react to it, and side effects on choosing wrong clothes for wrong occasions - upskirts for choosing skirts in zero-g and so on

- more interactions with crew - including taking shower, work, gym training,  celebrating, partying, etc.

- wip information on places there's nothing to do in current version

- make it possible to leave locations without doing anything without wasting time slots

Will keep an eye on the development for sure!

I'd also highly recommend checking out 'delivery pilot' by acac here on itch!

ok chud

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Thanks for developing DP! It's a shame about Unity. Your decision is understandable and you'll be dearly missed :(

Take care!


Get angry - refuse doing something, hit some1 touching u +morale, - relationship

Don't do nothing - don't do requested thing, withstand things done to u -+morale, -+relationship

Happily agree - agree doing something, accept or flirt when things done to u -morale, +relationship

DP is back on menu boys!

Like the last outfit on the girl :)

Hey, got craving for either Barotrauma, Metal Fatigue (ancient shit!) or Space Haven for inspo.

Hopefully you will relax a little during Christmas, and get back with lots of ideas :)

Hey, thanks for release!

1. New VIP scenes are okay - hoping to see the expanded in future

2. Second view is great ! I love those clothing details from different angles :P

3. Custom mode is a Godsend! though I'm not sure if gender rations actually affect VIPs

No issues noticed, overral a successful release :)

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Hey, thanks for yet another progress update! You never fail to deliver ;)

Great news on coming release! Got impression development almost stalled /:

- New Game options looks interesting - Hope will finally get MC to strut completely naked
- New viewing is great - outfit design is thing I'm somewhat obsessed with so multiple angles are great
- Finally, VIPs transport was the last thing feeling somewhat WIP, when compared to the rest of content

New Scenes and new angles are logical to progress, can't wait to see some teasers :)

All in for Space Miner Pilot! Though a little biased since I'm more of a scifi type. And according to description not much sexy stuff ?


PS: Am I seeing Officer/VIP titles ? O:

Not convincing&specific enough for me to consider patronage 😅

What are your plans for future development ?

What features are you planning ?

What content are you planning ?

Thanks in advance for response!

I prefer female protagonists myself ;)

Good to hear the progress is steady, keep it up!


Great to hear game is progressing smoothly.

Can't wait to see those silhouettes you were impressed with :P

And thanks for keeping us posted!

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Infinite mode looks good - maybe I will finally get MC to strut completely naked on stations :P

Since debt usually isn't an issue from certain phase of the game I'd actually like to see option with infinitely growing debt

There's also one slight issue with situations when you get lots of spare money - there's no way to... coin them.

Doll art - always looking forward for it - loving the artwork of her clothes now :P

Take as much time as you need with releases - More cpmplex mechanics will obviously require more dev time - But also please keep us to date with updates - I love knowing about progress or new mechanics :)

Thanks for update !


Good news there's even more progress!

Regarding tracking - For me personally it's not something terribly important :P Especially when those numbers don't do anything gameplay wise...

Hey again, thanks for release !

1. I'm still not 100% sold on MCs hair/face, though compared to previous version it's still a big improvement ! Makeup finally looks somewhat attractive, rather than uncanny valley stuff. Her body looks finally more feminine. New clothing design is perfect !

I especially liked:
Tank Top - Being thin, transparent, small, and generally good design

Black/Red Lingerie - Finally lingerie which doesn't look too bulky, I like the lace details, and how smaller each panties tier gets

Stockings - Gigantic plus for garter belts ;)

Meh territory:

Pink Blouse        - Looks somewhat off compared to rest of outfit pieces - perhaps it's the color ?

Leather Jacket    - Shoud stretch over top layer and beginning of bottom layer I'd say.

2. Absolutely loved the new writting style ! Liked how reaction changed a little depending on clothes MC was wearing. In general liked different perspectives - MC thoughts, thoughts of harassers, or banter between loaders.

3. Working - though as I've said before I don't see a point of it - goal for player it to get as many deals as possible, while early ending of game feels more like punishment than reward...

4. As an experienced player, didn't help me much.

5. Didn't notice bigger change.

6. All right.

7. Liked morning scenes text update - Definitely a step in right direction. Enjoyed new remarks between technicans/men. Hated that 'too dark' parts from earlier release.

The biggest offenders in earlier release were:

High-heels         - Good - Liking that regret/boldness dynamic

G-string        - Good - Focus on embarassement and excitement is awesome

Pink Blouse     - Meh - Not a fan of doubting her feminity. I'd change 'chest' to Bust/Cleavage

I like:
Tank Top    - Description of thinness, breath, visibility of lower layer are great !

Red Bra        - how she feels it being so revealing it's even worse than wearing nothing at all, and being excited about it with goosebumps

Mini Skirt    - Excitement, and awareness how small the coverage is !

8. Makeup deal was showing a little too frequent in my opinion.

9. Felt more challenging in the beginning, but managed to clear it on medium difficulty. Overrall - good choice.

Focus on next update:

1. Transporting is the last wip thing, so waiting for update :D

2. Felt a little off, good call.

3. Can't wait to see all those new beautiful clothes from other angle :P

4. Could you elaborate more on those changes ? What's the purpose of them ?

+ liking the new art assets sneak peeks ;)

Hey, thanks for another status update !

Happy with new events in cargo bay, new art as well. I just love checking if behaviour of loading crew changes based on MCs outfit/fame. :D

Hopefully new doll will be more feminine :P Underwear view is a nice touch - sometimes you're forgetting what deals you have on each station :P

Sorry for false alarm with miniskirt obligation /:

Harassment chance didn't have noticeable difference for me, but we'll see.

So that end game early button is less scary now    - though still don't see the point of it :P


Worry not, you'll be switftly modified when some old doll leftover text has been left :P

Sanity check with underwear is probably the biggest immersion breaker in the game right now. Looking forward for your overhaul and more details describing her lingerie ;)

Perfect - personnel/VIP transport is last game component feeling completely TBD, cannot wait :D

Don't push yourself, you're already doing steady progress :)

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Yes, I'm already sold with that single pic, I'd kill for game with that aesthetics :)

Score - why should player care about it ? I think majority are in for sexy stuff - of course taste differs for everyone therefore some might wish to end the game prematurely when certain deal don't really click with player. About MC motivation - she should do it for money obviously - but this money should also serve a purpose in the game, so that people want to earn more - not just for abitrary value at the end of the game.

Deal selection is a better system - it gives some control back to the player.

Tough to tell really - this seems like journey more important than destination type of game.

I think design itself will promote replayability. I take it will be impossible to get all deals in single playthrough - as well certain playstyles. Since relationship will be cash based - you will just need to create moneysink to make bigger payments more attractive to player (either more difficult or more humiliating)I think some sort of modular deals so that butt groping could progress from just in the wild, to public groping by merchant in city. And so on.

That approach also sounds good - as 400 coin extra for each future trip by allowing merchant to fondle her. In this case certain deals could also come at disadvantage - obviously skimpy armors would provide worse protection. Some sort of license system so that you can buy/equip X type of weapon only if you have certain license. Or maybe even clothing/armor license system in city where skimpiest one would be the cheapest(MC of course wouldn't immedietaly be able to wear them). Of course she could get harassed in the cities lowering her morale a little - which could be regained by spending cash on relax. Another money sink could be potions lasting one combat/city turn enhancing MC abilities either combat, or social. Potions of course could have side effects as well.