Aye quick question, is this the kinda game where it only supports going after all the girls or by the end can I be with a single character? Follow up to that question, pregnancy planned? Call me old fashioned but I enjoy an ending that closes with you having a family. One reason I think Once in a Lifetime is one of the best AVNs. Also definitely add more ace attorney, that was insanely fun (for me at least)
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This is a gem for sure and it's just released.Already hooked and the plot is superb. Just the right amount of comedy where it's not overbearing but also not super stale. It's still early to say but if you keep this up, I honestly think this game could become one of the top tier VNs on here (Eternum,Fates Collide,Ripples, you get the idea) Keep up this great work cause you definitely got something going here for sure.
Caribdis...you really hit a homerun with this AVN. Best story, perfectly spaced scenes, choices that actually matter. I'm in awe finishing this and seeing how amazing it was. It's a true shame that it's finally over, and though eternum is superb as well, I prefer this one above all others out there. Maybe a future OIALT direct sequel? A man can dream. Also, Jasmine best girl.