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A member registered Oct 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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Anyone remember Spectrobes? I'm a spectrobes fangame maker and just released "Who's that Spectrobe?", a quick redux of "Who's that Pokemon" but with Spectrobe silhouettes! If you're a fan, consider testing how well you know these monsters!

That's a good suggestion!

If anyone reading this remembers spectrobes, my small spectrobes fangame just got entirely completed! 3 playable creatures and 3 gamemodes; try it out if you're in the mood for nostalgia :)

To the few Spectrobes fans out there, I just updated my mini Spectrobes brawler with the classic monster Samurite. If you want a quick shot of nostalgia or real-time action fun, try it out at

It's fixed now!

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Hey thanks for bringing this to my attention! I managed to get it fixed. You should be able to download and play it from the Itch app now and it should load just fine. Hope you enjoy the game and thanks again!

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The downloaded version? I haven't released my own downloadable version of Brawl yet so I assume you mean via the Itch app. I haven't actually tested the game on there so I will see what I can do and get back to you, but if it's loading fine outside of the app then I'm not sure how I would fix it

To the few Spectrobes fans out there, I just updated my mini Spectrobes brawler with the classic monster Komanoto. If you want a quick shot of nostaligia or real-time action fun, try it out at

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Loved this! The idea is brilliant, the visuals are super great, and the paddle becoming harder to move as your burger gets bigger a genius mechanic! You've delivered a very polished game here. I wish there a singleplayer mode as well (Pong AI is pretty easy if you feel like implementing it!) and the paddle itself felt a bit clunky to move, but regardless was a very fun game that I would play again!

Thank you!! This is the first feedback I'm getting from people who played 2 player mode together so that is amazing to hear!

Well done! This is a fun little blast of nostalgia. The game is more aesthetically pleasing than anything else, so good job on the graphics!

The gameplay was quite fun too! Shooting while playing Pong is pretty satisfying. Little things like how the ball can actually hit the tiny enemies and bounce are what turn this from "good" to "great". The different game worlds were nicely designed too, although I would've liked to see some more interesting mechanic variations between them. The ball did get stuck quite a few times after some dodgy bounces, getting stuck permanently bouncing vertically or horizontally at the top of screen.

Great work either way and thanks for the nostalgia trip! Would definitely play more of this if you expand upon it. Congrats on submitting 2 minutes before the deadline btw :D

Interesting game! Definitely one of the more unique ideas I've seen so far, so huge points for that. Killing zombies using a pong ball is hilariously fun and that gave this small game a fair bit of replay value.

The game was probably a bit too hard imo. There are too many zombies to really run from and you get surrounded as soon as you make one wrong move. At some point there are just too many zombies to possibly deal with, and worse, the ball sometimes flies away too fast to follow off-screen and doesn't 'respawn' since it's still bouncing somewhere, leaving the player completely defenseless as they get surrounded. Makes the player feel a bit helpless as soon as the ball leaves the screen. When the ball stays in the right place and you keep bouncing it against the zombies over and over though, that is really fun!

Those polishes aside, this game is a great idea that could totally be expanded upon too. Would love to see some crazy powerups appearing on the field at some point, like multiple pong balls and stuff. A very replayable arcade game could come from this for sure!

Loved this game! Very smooth gameplay experience all around, I can tell that you made use of that playtesting really well. The aesthetic is simple and pleasing, the animations of the paddles are extremely satisfying, and even the ball has some nice visual touches to it. The blocks that you break are a bit dull in comparison to these cool things, but that's okay! The game was just the right level of challenge for me - enough to make me try but not get angry and give up. Decent length too! And the idea works superbly even if "level-based pong" isn't the most crazy thing out there, you've done it really well.

The ball travelling in exactly the same angle every time does detract a bit from the Pong experience. Pong usually has the ball travel at different angle depending on how high up the paddle you hit it, which adds a nice level of skill and challenge that isn't present here. Perhaps you thought the game would be too hard with that though, since again I do think you have a nice balance of difficulty in this.

Would've loved to see some more variation in the enemies! The ones that copy your movement got me really excited to see more unique behaviors, but I never really had to 'learn' an enemy other than that.

The final boss battle was A++. Seeing an awesomely-drawn figure like that after the, shall we say "chaotic" paddle designs you see before was actually a cool contrast. Once again really smooth animations here!

Some audio would really make this feel like a full package! 

Great work, one of my favourite submissions so far, by far

Love the visuals on this especially

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Made this little demo in a couple days for #PongJam!
It's literally Classic Pong but with Portals in play and it ended up being surprisingly fun!
It's free and in-browser so give it a shot if you're bored:

Good luck!

I'm sure there are some of you out there that remember Spectrobes!

Spectrobes was a monster collector that was a successful cult favourite but suddenly dropped and forgotten about over the years. I decided it was in dire need of a mini-game and ended up with Spectrobes: Brawl.

Control Spikan, the wrecking-ball-tailed monster, as you defend against ever-oncoming waves of Krawl, creatures of darkness. This 3D arcade-style beat-em-up aims to give you a quick session of good old-fashioned browser-based brawling as you try to beat your high-score.

This game was made in a month for personal fulfillment. If it is received well, it may be updated with more content in the future.

Give it a try if you feel like reliving some childhood Spectrobes nostalgia:

Thank you!


Figured this would be easier for the player. This way, you can learn what's coming and practice :)

What a clever and adorable idea!

Really cute game! Some sound effects would go a long way I feel

This is very visually polished

That's a lot!