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A member registered Sep 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for replying!  I'll definitely put you in the credits as good work should be recognized!

I can say from experience that making these is extremely hard, especially if you want as many features as this game has.  To give an example, I made a game on RPG Maker for a game jam.  We had 1 month to make it and I barely got it done in time.  Total gameplay was about 3 hours and it took me around 200 hours to make, and the game itself was extremely simple in terms of gameplay elements.  Compared to what Ryen is working on, my game was like comparing a kid's crayon drawing of a house to a set of professional blueprints.

I've played the demo and I have to say I'm eager to see the full release!

Hey there.  I am looking for attribution info but I don't see any.  I want to make sure that I give you proper credit.   Am I missing a link or something that notes your preferred attribution?

One word:  Oral.

I'm super excited to get the full version of the game.  I'll be buying it next paycheck!


Star Knightess Aura community · Created a new topic The End

So, when I first played this game, it was at version 0.9.  I remember because it really frustrated when I found out that the game was far from finished, since the assumption of 0.9 is that the game is 90% finished.  Since then I've been watching the progress of the game and waiting for the actual full story to be finished, even if there are extra scenes to add later, and maybe minor changes to characters for the final version.  I would like to give the game a fair run, but as it stands I know I'm just going to be frustrated when I reach a point where I can't progress because of there being no options.  When will there be an "ending?"

So, I played this game way back when it was basically brand new and have been waiting for an update which brings the story to a close.  I appreciate that you guys are updating things like the art (which is fantastic) and balance for skills, but I'd love it if you could try to tie up the story so that I could play the game to the finish.  I'd be fine with placeholders for scenes (IE: "'MC gives blowjob to guard' scene not finished yet, but will be here.") 

I still haven't, sadly. I keep having stuff happen in my life right around the point of the big international summit and inevitably restart the game in order to have everything fresh. 

No worries!  Take the time to do it right.  I'd rather wait and have a great game then get updates and the quality fall short.  If you ever need writing/dialogue help, shoot me a message!

I can't gush enough about this game!  SierraLee always delivers a fantastic experience.  This game has it all:  A deep, complex plot, A great battle system, interesting dungeons with lots of secret goodies, and a ton of hentai rewards that span a wide range of tastes!  Highly recommended!

I love the game!  The art is great, and the system is really promising.  I can hardly wait to see what comes next!  I particularly like the idea of learning spells and such through studying texts.  I'd love to see that expanded.  I'm also digging the story!  Looking forward to more updates!

I love the art, but the gameplay leaves  a lot to be desired.  Firstly, everything takes SO LONG!  There's no way to skip ahead with cut scenes or the level up animation.  There's a 40 PAGE TUTORIAL!!!  The gameplay itself is rather simplistic.  As far as I can tell, there's no skill system, just charging headlong into attacks.   It's too bad.  The concept is actually great, you really just need to add a few more options to choices during gameplay itself(and find some way to add a speed up option for the dialogue for those of us who read at an adult level and don't want to sit there forever waiting for something we've already read and comprehended.)

So, a lot of the new gui looks really great, but the save system is a hot mess.     Firstly, there's no real way to know if you've successfully saved the game unless your level has gone up.  There's no click sound or button push animation, or notation of any kind to tell you that it's different than the last save that was sitting there.

The next problem is bigger, though.  Apparently there's a chance at any given moment that the save will simply result in a new game when you try to load it.  I spent over an hour grinding for spells, saved to go get breakfast, then came back to find all that work gone as the new game sequence started.  I have also clicked to load only to find out that an event I finished before the save (the save was specifically because I wanted to load directly after that event in case of failure) was no longer finished.

Not sure what led to this glitch, and I'm trying just deleting and reinstalling now.  Just thought  at the very least you could add something to the saves.  I'd recommend  adding in a game timer or a save counter so that when someone saves  there is something there that differentiates it from other saves.

I've been following this for a while, and the issues with saving and loading only happened when you updated all the GUIs.  I love that you're continually improving the game and I love the game, but this is something that desperately needs to be fixed.

Hey.  So I've played a few minutes of the game.  The thing that really stands out is a desperate need to translate.  One thing I'd advise is to ask a native English speaker (from somewhere like the UK or USA) to fix the translations.  They're mostly understandable, but the grammar and spelling errors make it hard to get through.

Other than that, the battle system seems nice so far.  I'll have to check out the rest of the features later, but it seems promising!

i'd have to replay the game.  I've been holding out for the coming update with the continuation of the story to re-download.

The gallery isn't quite perfect and doesn't contain certain scenes.  Sometimes, even when I finish a scene and it's in the gallery list, it won't add the scene there for some unnamed reason (probably some sort of bug with the location when I do the scene).    The one that sticks to mind is the titfuck scene with the merchant after you have her under your control.  She begs you not to fuck her, and offers to use her tits, and you can enjoy a version of the scene where she deprecates herself as she does it, seemingly  resolved that she is now worthless.    The version in the gallery is just the normal version and doesn't include that extra bit of dialogue that really changes the scene in my option.

I like the game, but one of the things that I find kinda irritating is that when I get to the end of a character's Storyline, I can no longer visit them.  I'd like the option to simply repeat actions that I've unlocked, like how I can with the merchant.  There's no reason, for instance, that I shouldn't be able to enjoy the twins a few more times, or the inquisitrix...

I've gotta say,  I'm really disappointed.  The English dialogue is severely lacking, and I keep running into parts that seem to be written in Russian.  I would really advise finding someone who speaks fluent English to help with the translation.  A lot of the dialogue problems are with grammar which makes the sentences make no sense.  

It really is very disappointing,  since I was really excited about this concept.

Thanks!  I'll avoid it for now.

Am I doing something wrong?  When I try to learn programing on the computer, I get an exception error.  At first I thought this was a joke because of learning to code, but it appears to be an actual problem that essentially crashes the game.

This looks promising.  I'll be watching for a later version!  I foresee assets being a bit harder to come by, but that's to be expected of anything new.    Do you plan on keeping it free and making it open source, or will you eventually charge for the full version?  If it works as good as the RPG Maker series but in 3D, it will be worth a decent chunk of money.

Ok, thanks for the clarification.  Yes, equipment was extremely limited because I was thinking about trying to keep the game under an hour.  Since the story was so short, I didn't include a ton of extra content.  I'd say that's one of the things I'd love to update if I had the chance to work on the game more.  Until I can afford MZ (which is currently priced at something ridiculous like $70), It'll have to stay as it is.  If I ever upgrade it, I'll probably do a lot more, including replacing the  5th dungeon with a real dungeon, updating enemy atk and m.atk    to be a little lower (I keep being told about being one shotted), adding consequences if you use Leah to "solve" the second dungeon(this was in the original plans, but was cut to save on runtime since the game had already grown so large),  and adding full epilogue scenes and probably adding some small end game content, including some stuff with Vox, the Star Breaker.  Oh, and I'd fix the stupid endless loop if you decide to recruit Vox!   Still kicking myself over that one...

I'm actually surprised that you were so low leveled at the end of the first dungeon.  In my own playthrough, I was level 4 when I faced Leah.  I was level 6 by the time I made it out.  I mention this mainly because I knew the correct sequence for all the puzzles and where the secret chest was, I honestly expected most players to get much more powerful than me on account of taking longer while trying to solve the puzzles.  I'd advise grinding until at least level 5 before the second dungeon as Leah at level 5 makes quick work of the strongest enemies.  Not sure which enemies were one shotting you with the first hit, though.    Do you have a link to your video, or did the stream not convert automatically into a vid?  A tip while grinding:  The Stars will heal your party once they're lit, so you could use that as a recovery point whenever you want to grind for money or exp.

I certainly wouldn't advise selling your Star Souls for a little equipment.  Since they're a finite resource in the game (for story reasons, as they're produced by the Stars over long periods of time),  I'd hold onto them for boss fights.  

 I advise the following order of purchases:  New claws for Fitz for your first purchase (he's almost useless in combat without an upgrade to his attack until later when his skills start rolling in and you begin facing bosses).  Then trade your first Star Fragment for the Star Staff for the extra magic power and give it to Leah.  With all that Magic Attack, she obliterates anything she hits.  After this point, buy armor with money, and Star Sword with your next two Fragments.   

Honestly, this game really does need to be played longer.  Sadly, story telling is what I'm good at, rather than game making.  It really shows in a lot of ways in this project.  There's a lot of lore to discover if you feel like giving it a long play just for your own enjoyment.   Thanks for playing!

I'm really not sure how I could have been clearer in the game, but money for new equipment is gained by visiting the treasurer in the throne room  and selling the items that you gain from monsters.   When you get your initial funds, the treasurer explains this.   Another way to get better equipment is to take your Star Fragments that you gain each time you relight a star to the blacksmith on the right hand side of the town.  This can be discovered either by talking to the blacksmith, or talking to the man outside of the blacksmith (who complains that the blacksmith won't make him anything because he doesn't have a star fragment.) 

Balance was exactly as I  meant it to be.  It's supposed to be a challenge.  You're supposed to have to think about your party composition and which skills to use.  I find that many of those who have complained about balance expect to simply charge through the game mashing "Z."  Each class is unique.  The Star Knights are tanks, Laura is a healer, Fitz is a support character that makes bosses die really easily if used properly, Leah is a spell caster and elemental damage dealer that is great for crowd controlling random encounters once you recruit her.    The hardest part of the game SHOULD be the first dungeon, when you haven't really developed your skills.   After that, your characters should be around level 5, and totally dominating anything they come against provided you are careful about how you use your skills (especially not wasting your MP, which is limited specifically to force you to think about how much you're using.)

Dialogue...  I  really didn't mean to make dialogue repetitive.  I suppose some things would be that way, though, if you're doing a lot of grinding.

My Thoughts:  

1.  I'm a bit confused...  You don't have WinRar?  It comes pre-installed on Windows.  It's the current standard .zip format.  It seems odd that you don't have the means to unzip the file although you're clearly using Windows 10...

2.  All music in the game is RTP for RPGMaker MZ.   I tried my best to stick to the RTP wherever possible.  Even character pictures were made with the included character creation engine.  I found the music choices to be rather good as well!

3.  I must have forgotten to click "stepping animation" on her.  I had a bit of an issue with other events where I kept having to uncheck it to stop them from randomly  changing their picture.  I must have gotten overzealous!

4.   Sorry if the text is a bit much.  Worldbuilding and storytelling are my strong suits, so any game I make is going to have a lot of dialogue and story elements, and thus a lot of reading. 

5.    On equipment, it only shows defense values.  The robes  increase m.def and m.atk, so it's not mentioned.  It's far better for the  Star Callers and Star Lighters.  Sadly, this is the case for any game made in MZ.

6.   "I like that there's no-" get's a random encounter "Oh"  Yeah...   That was kinda funny.

7.   Stats  (for both characters and enemies) are loosely based on D&D 5E levels.  So, damage and  defense are low to begin and slowly work their way up higher.   I've never liked battles that are too easy, so I worked to make the damage a little lower to make battles more enjoyable by being longer and more involved.  The game gets better (in my opinion) as you go on.  I really wanted to avoid the biggest pitfall most RPGs get, which is people complaining that the game is all "press the select button over and over to win."

8.   You have two healers who you never use.  Also, you have access to revives, but you keep saying there are no revives.    Part of the dialogue you skipped was Laura explaining that the StarSoul is a revival item.  It seems that most of your problems could be avoided by paying attention to what's being said about your characters.  Fitz, for instance, is mentioned as having the ability to change the elements of your attacks, but you never try  using his ability to enhance your party and make them  use water for their attacks.  If you combine that with the double attack, Leah dies REALLY quickly.

9.   I kept worrying when I made the map that I made the puzzle WAY to easy...  Apparently it's no super easy for everyone.  Each switch activates one color and deactivates it's alternate color, so for instance the first switch activates blue, but deactivates red.  Switches that deactivate green will activate yellow.  Also, you missed a secret passage through the wall.  This is a success to me, because it means it wasn't as obvious as I  worried it was.

Anyway, thanks for playing and leaving your thoughts!  I appreciate the feedback!

(1 edit)

I'm officially done playing this game for now.    There's so much about it that I want to like.  The writing is good, with a strong story.    The few problems are glaring, however.  I've reached a point where it seems that there's no way to reasonably move forward with corruption because everything I could change is blocked by being "not implemented" but things haven't really changed in the real world (at least not enough to make a difference.

And I keep seeing that message "Not implemented" on so much of the game!  At this point, I'm getting the impression that you  are focusing on finishing a specific storyline.  Personally, I'd rather have a "this is the end of the content we have so far" and you focus your energy on making what is there as complete as possible.  Like, it takes a few minutes to edit the event of the soldiers to say something generic instead of "Not Implemented."  You have literally done most of the work there!  Just put something like "Sure is boring guarding the barracks" instead of "Not Implemented."  That way you're not ruining the immersion.

OH No!  Well...  That sucks.  When you make him join you, it's supposed to start the battle against the Fade Wraith he summoned.  I must have screwed something up with the switches.  I'm so sorry!

I really appreciate you giving the  game a little extra reach!  A few notes:

Oord is named for "Oort" which is a dutch term for  the shell that breaks off of  comets.

I'm more of a writer than a game designer, and I feel like this game really proves that!  >_<  I'm learning though.

Yeah.  I really couldn't figure out a good way to bring things around to the entrance easily.  By the time it really dawned on me just how much it would take to get back after the Star gets lit, it was too late to redesign the dungeon.

I'm sorry that your experience wasn't great.  The first dungeon is particularly difficult since you are  so weak at that point. 

A few  tips:

Make sure you stop at the bar and recruit Fitz like Russel suggests in the opening dialogue!  You'll find the game is far more difficult without him.

Every time you relight a star, you will get a Star Fragment.  These can be brought to the armorer to the west of the castle.  There's a guy who is complaining about this just outside of the shop, stating that the armorer told him he'd only work with the rarest of materials, like a Star Fragment.

Every dungeon has a StarSoul(which revives a charcter) and a StarDrop(which restores mp).

If you spare the heretic, you will find the next dungeon MUCH easier (and there's a chance to gain some extra exp).

Don't underestimate Fitz.  While he's not as good a healer as Laura, and he lacks the crowd control of Leah, he is extremely useful in boss battles because of his StarForce ability which converts attacks to Starlight element!  All Fade are weak to StarLight, as is the Star Breaker Vox.

I actually thought that I'd accidentally made him to easy.  I beat him at level 12 using Russel, Max, Laura and Fitz.  Laura heals, Fitz gives Starlight element attacks and heals, and the starknights using double strike skill deal a crazy amount of damage.

Either way, I'm happy you liked what you played!

Is it not possible to obtain Ginny?  Is this something in a future update?  Nobody seems to be discussing it.

I have to say, the first thousand was hard, but I'm already at over  5k with 16 days to go until my next payment.  

A few hints from my own pov (which is untainted by any guides, just based on my own play):

Do goblin dungeons.  You should probably try to have at least one tank character (Seraphs make amazing front line tanks if you can snag one with decent stats) and a mage (I recommend "Scholar" for the early game since this brings healing to the table).  If you have a fairy or an elf, you can get the "Druid" class which has a powerful crowd control attack that stays useful throughout the run.

Anyway, do your dungeons when you can.  Use daisy for prostitution as she's practically designed for that specific use.  I generally use my free slave from the beginning to cook meat soups and fish cakes (my master character is a halfkin cat, so he loves that).  Meat soups are great for two reasons:  1.  Almost everyone loves them, and 2.  You get three food for the price of two!

In order to get a bit ahead, I started purchasing ALL the meat and vegetables that the shop provides.  I convert it all to  meat soups, then sell the majority of them back.  I spend 5 gold to make 3 meat soups, which then sell for a total of 9 gold, almost doubling my money every time.    This adds up over time.

Make sure that you have room when you start going after bandits.  You can capture and sell the leaders at the end for a little bit of extra money on top of whatever else you get just from running the dungeon.  Usually around 2-300 gold for them.

If you have extra resources and a character who is good at it, use your forge to craft high powered items to sell back.  The resources and time are well worth the 300+ you'll get off of decent quality items.

I'm not sure.  Usually I used Nol for "Exp(Lotion)" attack because it hits ridiculously hard, particularly once defense had been debuffed on the enemies.  Of course, once they were down to one or two enemies left, the basic attack hits so many times it becomes the far better choice.

I found Nara to be quite easy to use once I equipped her with the Kodama.  She easily outpaces the other characters in level, and her quick strike (Not sure if I am remembering that name right) is plenty strong enough after Tulu has used her "normal punch" thingy.    All those 200 damage strikes add up.  

Yup.  Same here!  First time I've ever managed to finish  a  full game.  Made a lot of mistakes, and as a result I learned a lot!  Good luck in your future endeavors, and in the competition!    

This game was fantastic!  A unique look at both the theme and the game itself.  I would love to play something like this in a more randomly generated form (or even in puzzle levels of rising difficulty).  Everything looks beautiful and sounds fantastic!  The only bad thing about this game is that it's FAR better than mine!  T_T