Tried the update~ cool new motions to slimes loving it~!
but the model position while sex still strange this
Coooooool, so today? looking forward on it
1waiting for updates....
awaiting for updates~
press space XD
any android or windows version?
wasn't it the key at village wall? left top corner I remember
can't see either
if you are in desert already, you can craft them out
send the specific bitches to brothel~
click the rock on the entrance of the cave
How to craft penis potion?
k~ ty!
ah, lock pick also :3
btw is there conditions to use spell create scroll n heavenly pearl? can't use them either :3
ohhhhhhhhhhhh, got it! ty for creating such gd game ah~
kkk, ty so much <3
n is there any saves~? can't find that @@@
n also is there quests? can't find them @@
now finding where is the saving button XDDD
awwww, yea got it now, tyty
looking forward interactions with background guys~
can't attack and cast in tutorial...
no animations? :(
Is this game dead? :< (not updating)
Any more updates? awaiting more bosses n alters :3
the flying dixks
you have to give them to that frog
village wall at the left bottom corner gather point
cave left up corner
it should be unlock if you send right amount of specific bxxxhes from your prison
items will be still locked but the cards should be usable