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A member registered Jun 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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I’m very glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for your comment!

thank you much for your words, I’m so glad you’ve followed my work for a while. 

It’s always lovely to hear I’m supported and it really does inspire me, so thank you !!

i am very glad you enjoyed it ! thank you for your comment!

wish no longer! The full version has already been released

Will be fixed right away! Sorry for the late response

I’m so glad you enjoyed it!! This comment rly warmed my heart 

I just posted the official walkthrough guide! It’s in the form of the latest Dev log, and its also at the bottom of the game description.

Hey there! The official guide has just been published in the form of a Google doc! Check the new Dev log or the page to view it

yes! The walkthrough is currently being worked on! There’s going to be a devlog version around early March, if not sooner. I apologize for it taking so long, I’ve been caught up with other things as well as planning my next visual novel. Thanks for the comment!

I’m really glad you enjoyed the game! I’d be totally willing to post a walkthrough, as the secret endings are kind of hard to get to.

Absolutely, I'm sorry for the delay in updates. I've been posting consistent updates every Friday in the Infatuation amino:

My tumblr is here, and I'll start posting updates there starting this week.