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A member registered Feb 24, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hi Tzoop, Thanks for the feedback. Once the jam is over I need to expand the page to show how the towers work. Glad you enjoyed it.

Makes me wish all books had such wonderfully curated sound tracks to accompany them.

Something about being handed a bomb that was about to go off really made me laugh. Then panic, then die.

One of my favorites so far, just a shame I can't get past the start of the third stage. The biggest thing I've learnt from this Jam is that I'm not as good at platformers as I was when I was 11...

Really good. I feel it has loads left to give, I just don't have the skills to see it! Love the little faces.

Solid little game. My only criticism is there was a bit of a slow build up before it got interesting (read chaotic). 10 seconds feels slow at the start, but just right once you get bigger. Or maybe the board is a bit big. 

Great work!

I rather enjoyed this one. The trail you leave behind was really helpful to work out what went wrong. I'm awful at platformers, but battled through to the end eventually.

Hi Gasin! You're probably moving, you just don't know it :P There isn't really enough feedback from the game, but I've got some ideas for after the jam. See my other comment above.

Thanks for the feedback!

Hi edesdan. Thanks for the feedback, I agree about the lack of points of reference, anything that's there is also moving randomly. I did try a parallax effect on the background, but without a mid-ground it was still really disorientating and just looked terrible. I have an idea to try and fix it after the Jam, but for now I'll just explain it away by saying there are no points of reference in space :P

About to start checking out everyone's games and yours is one that's already caught my eye.