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A member registered Jan 30, 2022

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(1 edit)

My review will consist of two sections - one’ll be about the technical side of things - overhaul playthrough and the second about characters and story. Spoilers below.

First I like to say I love how “ animated “ characters are when on screen. It’s just a small movement but it’s rare to see something like this in visual novels so props for that.

Free time events - As a danganronpa fan, I like that part. The problem is that there isn’t enough of this ftes. Out of 36 available the player can only get 10 during the playthrough and that’s way too little. I know we can always reload a save and see the rest of them that way but still you can’t even max out Dan’s or Kaiser’s no matter what. 

The debates are okay but can get extremely frustrating when you don’t know what evidence to use. Like I can get 6 arguments in a row correct but then be stuck on 15 minutes thinking what I should use. That’s my experience.

The mystery of each case is alright. Not too easy but also not too hard to figure out. I especially liked the fourth one with Sam’s and Lauren. I was on the edge of my seat trying to solve it and almost had a heart attack when Sid was the prime suspect but it was just a fakeout. 

I don’t have any major gripes with the game but I recommend adding the option of more ftes during the playthrough for the player and the tutorial in debates should inform the player that they can use the same piece of evidence multiple times - that’s the main reason I often was stuck during the debates.

For this section I don’t have any specific order but I’d like to start with the mystery of the story. Simply speaking, I like it. The motive for the death game is revenge and it ties with “ their ends are deserved “ . Though it might be just me as I play many mystery among us type of games, I feel like even the inexperienced player can guess Jenny as the game master. I strongly suspected her from when we started playing as Bert because it’s always tragic when someone who mc had strong bond with turned out to be evil. Though the mastermind was obvious, I liked slowly piecing together the connections every character had to the mystery. I might as well talk now about the ending - I didn’t hate it but I thought it was kinda lame. The ending where you choose correct is especially anticlimactic. Like we don’t even see the talk between survivors or how their lives are after the killing game. It’s very rushed and I’d like to see more and you only get it because Jenny slips out once? Again feels lame and would be better if Bert just had more information and piece it together without Jenny giving herself away that easily. 

As for the characters I’m not gonna write about every single one of them but I’ll definitely talk about my favorite character which is Sid. God I love him. He’s just so relatable and funny when he jumps to conclusions or how he loves money but it’s not because he’s totally selfish but because he cares about his family. There’s just so many layers to this seemingly goofy character. Whoever came up with creating him, well done to you. 

I enjoyed playing TEAD but there's a lot of improvement that can be done with it. If you wanna know my opinion on specific things just ask me.

Oh yeah I have a problem I try different choices but I always end up on chaos ending, don't know any of the other endings. Any hints pls? :p