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A member registered Nov 08, 2021

Recent community posts

One of the areas you need a canon to blast through. Seems the door got fixed for some reason. I tried climbing the way back but once I reach the top nothing happens. Wanted to kill some skeletons to unlock there CG's 

Third Bug report. If you go back to the ship after beating it you can't exit it after a certain section

Second Bug report. You get the Scylla Form after you get the mansion instead of talking to Coraline

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Bug report. Sometimes the thief clime ability disappears. The only fix is to reload a save. If you save after it disappears then it's permanent for that save. It seems to happen the most when you first clime at the three seals

Thank you

Ok I got Nessa. So how do I trigger the next event?

Can't wait for that one

Any way to turn off animated scenes. Doesn't work well on my pc

I had version 0.6.4b. I'll download the latest version now

I'm new to the game so I don't know if this was already handled or I'm just confused. So I did the marriage route  but she ended up a slave. I tried just marring her like any other character but the "Ask to marry" button just disappears and nothing happens.(It comes back every time I date her). I try using the Writ of Exemption but cant use it on her(Gameplay fetcher not a bug as I understand it).


Love the game


Anyone know what nexus keyword you need to teleport to the dojo

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What sites? Are they official? I mean the update is gonna be on here eventually and free so it's not the same as pirating a AAA game but still one of the patreon perk's are you get the game a week before everyone else gets it so if its not weirdworld that released the update on those sites it doesn't feel right.

Plus unofficial sites mite add nasty stuff you don't want

Should be next week since the patreon beta is out

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Where is the dealer?  After beating Dorian he isn't in the shop

Will the reward we choose in the current version effect future updates or can we choose whatever? Replayed the game to get the other path with Flaire and wanted to know if something similar could happen with Lucilla

Oo.... I am stupid. I just typed Gramps each time. I feel so dumb

How do you make the H-Scenes? Do you do everything in CharaStudio choose the right animations and align the characters correctly or is there a way you can make the custom maps in CharaStudio and put them in Koikatsu then do them there?

I must be doing something wrong because I tried that and just to make sure I tried it again 

Can you explain how to get the teleport to mountains. Tried everything I can think of

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Ahh I did not know that thanks

Game looks like its gonna be awesome. How do you use Koikatsu to make the game? The character movements and scenes that aren't in the game or the location and environment?

I didn't make it myself so I have no idea what the quality is but I imagine it would make you're job easier. Still take you're time the games you make are supper fun

Can't wait for it. I know there is a fan translation patch for the Japanese version. Maybe you can contact them, Work together and put the official translated version on

You're the guy that made fuju hime aren't you? Are you gonna release a translated version of that?

Well tank you for the games you make there supper fun. Take your time on working on them

Love the game first I got on Biggest one loading saves gets confused. I'd load save slot 4 and get save slot 2 and original 4 is lost or different stuff like that. When monster run away fight menu shows up first after a few level's. Sometimes the spell Menu pops up every time you talk to someone(I got it in the dialog with Ms. Rack when you start the bimbo quest).  Thanks for you're hard work love the new menu's. Will you Update the Walkthrough? The wiki went down before I started the game months ago