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A member registered Jul 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks man for such a positive comment ! I think I will do a post jam version of this game, with more levels, and a better tutorial . Thanks for your support.

I was first : "How ?.........." and after few minutes I started testing everything ^^. It was very funny !

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Nice game ! I like the puzzle mechanic, and the music is very relaxing. I finished this game but I don't really know if I have completed the sixth level the way it was meant to.

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Thanks for your feedback ! I know for the tutorial, but it was one of the last thing I've made and I haven't had much time to make a good tutorial.

I think I will add one on the game page.

I love this game ! The black and white pixel art looks amazing. Well done.

The music gives a nice ambience.

I like this game, I find the concept interesting ! The pixel-art look nice. One minor point is that there's not that much to do. You can maybe add some stuff, like coins or other type platforms. But overall it's a nice game !

Thank you for having tested my game, and left a  comment ! If you find the controls weird you can always change them in the options settings.