Hello there!! I've been playing through the demo and LOVE IT SO MUCH so far! I'm recording it for let's plays, and hope to share it with more people :D I wanted to be as thorough as possible, and was wondering whether I could ask about certain parts, or if it'd be better to keep trying without hints. But...I'm towards the end of the demo, and was wondering if it was possible to get into the sanctuary. I'm stuck on the door and alarm part, and wasn't sure if it was possible, or if I was just missing a step. Since this demo just came out, there isn't a lot of discussion about specific parts of the game, so I wanted to ask the developers directly! Totally understand if you can't give hints, and would rather leave it up to exploration haha! Thank you either way, LOVE the game so far, and I can't wait for the full thing!
A member registered Sep 09, 2020