I don't have anything against NSFW projects, but at this point in my life i tend to separate myself from romantic / erotic content, to avoid my brain going to war with itself, wanting things that my disability has effectively pushed into the remote past.
Nathan Hawks
Creator of
Recent community posts
For my mind the main advantages to maptool are the infinite growth opportunities (no limit to library assets, maps, campaigns, etc) and the scripting options. But I also generally value full control over ease, if the "full control" option isn't too unreasonable; and although MapTool has a quite steep learning curve, it's far from unreasonable.
My status is surveying, idea gathering, and people-meeting, so you're probably fine. Hitting you up on Discord shortly :)
Hey all! This is my first post to the forums, and since there isn't a dedicated "welcome" section (everyone ignores those anyway) I thought I'd browse around and see what sparked a post. After that I decided to post here because...
Collaboration is Magic! (That is probably the only full-on, unironic Brony moment you will see from me in a while.)
I'm one of those people whose brain is so heavy it's actually a disabling medical condition, but if I let out some of the ideas, it gets a little lighter and my day gets better! My best brainstorming contributions will be on story, setting, RPG mechanics, cheap marketing (image and elbow grease), character design (story and look), pixel art nitpicking, overcoming beginner programming hurdles, and, yknow, life, the universe, and everything.
In between day-long freakouts and bouts of insomnia, I work with JavaScript/Node, GIMP, OpenOffice, and I'm currently coping with some drastic life weirdness by learning how to use MapTool to run online tabletop games.
I'm here looking for friends and, in the long term, maybe some professional collaborators. So let's blab about your ideas!
And this isn't a one-person show... I'm not the authority on much outside of myself, so others are welcome to pitch in as well :)