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Astro Pup

A member registered Jan 13, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Well, I just did another two runs and looked at the level map. The levels  were different each time. 

First run

Second run:

My guess was that they were procedurally generated. It's also possible they might be just random. But I haven't played enough (yet) to confirm either.

(3 edits)

I like that you extended it to a whole game. The demo was really nice.

Who needs Pitfall when we have Mr. Platformer. Sorry Atari. :P

Joking aside, I just noticed the levels are procedurally generated. Nice. :)

Btw, Linux version is working smoothly!

Thanx Terry, this looks like a fun time waster.

Acronia community · Created a new topic Good job!

This looks pretty good. I like the menu and the character design. Player characters look cool. Intro and credit screens look great too.

The player character seem to be more flexible than in 2D Duke games. It can also crouch, climb and shoot diagonally or jump down from the platform.  Which is great. A short skippable tutorial level would be usable to explain the basic moves to a user. But it's good without it too. I got it all after playing around in a minute or two.

The enemy AI doesn't really look that smart. I didn't have the sound on, so I don't know if there was any sound during the collision, but there aren't any visual effects. The enemy passes through player character.

But the game looks like it has great potential. All in all, good job!

Thanks for the Linux build. Works perfectly. :)

That's a Windows game, according to MobyGames:

Now it worked. Thank you.

(1 edit)

Unfortunately no. I get the Download button for the DRM Free version and the Download button for the Steam key. When I press the second one, it just takes me to the Steam home page for the game.

Hi. Steam key doesn't show at the moment. Can you take a look into it. Thanx. :) The same goes for QUBIC.