Very reminiscent of The Closing Shift by Chila's Art. Looking forward to playing the full game!
A member registered Apr 17, 2022
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This game was so well made! Such a heartbreaking experience! I was not at all expecting the ending to be what it was. The atmosphere was giving Tim Burton tbh and I really think it's refreshing how heavy this game is. You did an awesome job tying everything together the way you did. I can't wait for your next project!!
Every scare in this game got me! I really liked the gameplay too, there's something about putting together burgers and hotdogs that made it extra fun lol. The sound design was great, you're pretty good at building a tense atmosphere. The ending caught me so off guard I just had to laugh ^^" Great game though!
The MountWood Creature - Survival Mode Update comments · Posted in The MountWood Creature - Survival Mode Update comments
For your first full-fledged game, this was great! The false sense of security with a particular hiding spot was a nice touch, as well as needing to be a bit more observant when you're on the couch. I also liked how there were some funny tones sprinkled in. The grocery portion could benefit from having the items on the list being easier to pick out, and I had some issues with character movability in the house, but outside of that, this game was solid! Can't wait for your next project :)
This game definitely should've been longer. I felt like more buildup was needed; the ending happened so fast. There also wasn't any context for going into the woods after getting the hammer. Other than that, I enjoyed the use of music here! Cool intro and nice sound design. I liked the subtle humor as well lol. All in all a decent experience :)
I don't think I got all the endings, but this game was very fun to play! I would have liked for the endings to be numbered when you finally reach them, but all in all, very solid game. Sound design was great and the killer definitely made me feel tense at times. The endings were so morbid lol even when you think you did the right thing, it would still take a dark turn. I like how all of this was because of egg fried rice ^^"
Impressive first game!! You nailed the creepy atmosphere and tension building! You can definitely tell that this kind of thing comes so naturally to some people/devs. You were able to execute the vision very well. The final section of the game and monster reveal really freaked me out ^^" I can't wait to see the future installments of nightmare files.
I can't wait for the full release of this game! While I can't tell at all where the story will lead to from the prologue (prob a good thing), this was such a cool game to play! The first minute or so really reels you in. The atmosphere was so tense at times and the sound design was great. Can't wait to see the vision in full :)
I've always been curious to see why this game is able to maintain its popularity on here, despite being released years ago. I'm glad I finally came around to playing this, especially when I recently played your other game, Fear the Moon! This was short, 'sweet' and simple but pretty interesting! Can't wait to see your future projects :)
I really enjoyed how quirky and goofy this horror game was! The scares were good and the final section of the game was pretty unsettling. The only thing that was a bit jarring to me were the first couple of conversational/tutorial texts; they were pretty hard to look at font/design wise. Other than that, cool game!