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Asura Shun

A member registered Jun 07, 2018

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but just pecause it has sailed, it doesn't mean it's permanent, so take care of yourself

take all the time you need. haste makes waste, and it'll definitely make your health waste away if you force yourself

at least the save files remain

the time has finally come! we're so damn close to being able to help emma!

and the mini event with gwen was perfect

(1 edit)

i felt really damn tempted to just attack then execute her, but i'm not doing a no mercy route. maybe once the game's finished, if it ever gets

a monumental weight has been lifted, partially. will only go away after finding the best wolf girl

i didn't expect to start crying in the morning

so mu guess was correct?

is there any difference from beating her normally and using autowin? kinda need to know since i plan on going for both

will you ever add the option to headpat?

you didn't have to kill him like that

(1 edit)

food gives boosts?

edit: beat the final ones except ophelia. kinda want to see if auto win works and if it has any differences from the masochist battle route

are you sure it's just ophelia? because the one inside the college is also impossible

rip previous progress

why do i have the feeling that viola's gonna die?

i can already tell that those implied explosives will be used later down in the story

Golems really are op when cornered 

so this is why she's hiding away from everyone, she's afraid of herself and doens't want to hurt anyone

this is unrelated to this update but, do you plan on making it possible to send the puppet/former researcher chick to rehab?

one of the areas you can conquer allows you to build it

i don't remember which one though

things are definitely getting complicated, and soon they'll start attacking our territories

that was trippy as hell

great work!

Will we be able to fix chloe and change her mind eventually?

he hates your guts so it's not unusual for him to harrass you at every possible chance

this game's tough but awesome as hell

quagmire is proud of you

i hope so, and we'll be able to gather the army we'll definitely need for the final showdown against morgana and the org's boss

i hope Qarinah takes that role

i wonder how long it'll take for us to be able to get more seduction skills

the kids are fey so they must be ok, the problem is about what happened to emma.

it must've been something fierce if she's the way she is now

one step closer to finding out what happened to the emma and the farm

she doesn't have any special skills worth learning, at least the way she is now