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A member registered Dec 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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bruh #sanskirtisoverparty

bruh not true, HATER

I agree!!!!

Wow, that was a really gud game!!!!!

I mean you cant get an original art style, because there are thousands of games, and your bound to have the same with at least one, it called a demo, I know you want the game to be good, but he has to do things one at a time, when you say "you can't take shortcuts with ugly design, it's your dream game!" he has to make the basic controls first, and not focus on things like looks, he has to make sure the game feels good before looking good

1:I LOVE how you can continuously rocket jump by timing it correctly when you fire. I think you should keep that, but make the player have to reload after firing x amount of rockets, because I think the continuous rocket jump makes the game have a skill gap. 

2:The pistol is a little over powered on how it can kill everything in the game expect the spider robot in 1 shot

3:An idea, but what if you made it so that the bomb robot could be thrown by the big robot or at least be a little faster, because right now instead of killing the bomb robot, I group up the robots, and purposefully go near the bomb robot to explode the it on the other robots, which barely hurts me but kills all the robots

yes, if you look at the "Overview" page, the theme will be enounced when the jam starts so that people dont cheat