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A member registered Apr 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Such a good concept! Great gameplay overall. ?

Hey 👋

Thanks for the review!

I think a lot of the mechanics in the game should've been explained better - although the second level seemed to be one of the easiest, you could even just drive forward for most of the map. The white pillars were meant to be spikes, although I don't think that was explained well.

In my head coming up with the idea I though Overheat -> Heat Death -> Universe, and I wanted to make a (sort-of) racing game to test my skills, as I made the engine during the jam using a preexisting one.

Will take all of this into account in my next jam!

(1 edit)

When i found this game 5 years ago, I had no idea how you were able to do any of this, it just seemed so good! I spent ages tinkering with it, and without it I probably wouldn't be able to code anything in python at all! Just wanted to say thanks :)

Good concept but very glitchy, hold down at the corner of a room and spam left + right to clip through a wall