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A member registered Apr 08, 2018

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Cool!  Thanks for addressing the issue, I can't wait to see future developments and updates! 

hi! As a person of colour who plays Alchemica, I'd just like to clarify some stuff about racism. Whether or not a person intends to be racist does not affect whether their actions are racist or unintentionally support racism. Now the lore behind the lekumba's is reminiscent of the history of black americans,  and while this may not be intended, it could be interpreted as representative of this period of history. What becomes a problem is the idea that, originally when the Lekumba's where a developed civilization, they were a lighter colour, but now, when they are considered less intelligent, they have darker skin. This idea subtly promotes the idea that dark skinned people are less intelligent. Now I'm not expecting a change in story or plot for this one thing, the real problem comes in with the fact that the Lekumba are the only dark skinned characters in the game. While you may not choose to have black, white or coloured people, because the races are human, Dwarven, elven etc, the only skin colour for a human you have shown is white. And perhaps this is normal for you, I don't know where you come from, you could be from a white majority country, so wouldn't have the understanding of racial tensions in somewhere like the USA or Australia. What would help your game be less unintentionally discriminatory would be the inclusion of a multitude of skin colours in human characters, in future. I also understand that you are making a fantasy game, probably being inspired by other fantasy media. The fantasy genre has its problems with racial depiction and racism deep rooted in its culture and so its understandable that you might have accidently picked this up. It's ok to make mistakes, especially when you don't know any better and this comment isn't meant to shame you and tell you you're a horrible person. I just want to help you learn and understand, and hopefully fix or acknowledge the connotations for some of your decisions and hopefully in future do better. I'm happy to explain anything in a bit more depth if you don't get it or anything so don't be afraid to ask!