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Atma Weapon

A member registered Aug 20, 2015 · View creator page →

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'Sup, my name's Atma Weapon, or just Atma for short. I'm a just about 31 year old lesbian in the North Bay Area of California and I did my first YGJ....during the first YGJ! That one was about my lesbian paladin OC, Lady Siofra Aine Whelan, having to disguise herself as a janitor to get into a brothel in a resort town  to hunt down an assassin sent in to off an elven dignitary staying in town on her way to the castle, and not get caught flirting with the wrong woman (or women) along the way. It was a short VN-like JRPG.

This year, I'm doing the idea I had for last year, but I got sick and ran into technical problems. This year,  though, mine's already in high gear.

You're playing as Siofra again, in an Infocom-style IF game where you only get one command before the game ends. If you've played the indie IF games "Aisle", "Pick Up The Phone Booth And Die", and their sequel-child, "Pick Up The Phone Booth And Aisle", you know what I mean. If not, I recommend going to the IFDB and playing them for free online. They're pretty short and funny. I really am no artist, but writing's my strong suit, so I figured a lesbian version of a one-command game would be a lot of fun to do.

This is the most current opening screen you're greeted with so you get an idea of the setting and story.

After that, you can input, well, anything you want and you may or may not get a reaction. So far I'm up to a whopping 29 unique endings. Most are obvious (things like "look at braveleaf") but some are hidden, usually based on jokes from other IF games, so if you're familiar with the genre or Infocom's history, you might wanna try some of those. I'll be including a sheet that spoils every possible command in the game, and I'll need at least 15 more before I'm done with the basic set of commands most of these games have. I'm taking command and inventory suggestions from anyone and everyone to expand on; it takes only but a minute to code the command or item, making the ending/writing work is the hard part.

The only team member is me, myself, and I. Siofra's a huge flirt with some rather raunchy origins but I'll try to be keeping this one R rated/NC17 at highest as it's more a parody of the IF genre than anything too sexy. 

If you'd like to read more about Siofra, as she's my primary character, I have her full bio online. I have a physical description of her with commissioned art if you wanna know what you look like as the heroine over here

I'm fully open to ideas/suggestions/whatever you got to make this shine.