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A member registered Feb 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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There are a few deaths that can be surprising, but no outright jumpscares

and like paying $5.00 to complete the game isnt even worth it because it takes like less than an hour to complete the entire game hh

Is there really no way to play the game again? thats kinda dumb

nice :D

(i am atoshi btw)

Then stop pressuring him into removing stuff lmfao


And just stop trying to pressure him into removing things.

don't listen to him, the whole thing was a joke and he isn't actually going to remove the jokes from the game

wait you actually think he did it?

Top 10 pranks that went too far xd

don't you have a whole page on the wiki for this stuff

bruh that sounds awesome

bruh language level isn't on the same level as them

it's above them

u need to pay attention more

funy thic boy xd

Are you actually giving him suggestions on how to make the name of this update sound more professional




Yeah, they're just bonuses. You unlock them after beating the first level

Hey, just a suggestion but maybe don't fill up the comment section with extremely long comments like this? Use blog posts on the wiki, or on here if supports blog posts. The comment section is for comments, not for in-depth essays about random aspects of the game

ok well thats literally not true but i agree he should change the colors back

it sucks though because AEwVS would be great on console, and if it got enough recognition it could become really successful

Just a few days ago they were all available to download... I'm not sure why he removed them

Don't forget a store, new interactive title screen, over 100 new items, 2 new secret areas, physics, fixed grammar, bonus levels, Scrina cameo, electricity, big chungus, blood and injury mechanics, parkour, working gardening system, literal robot guardians, radiation, the ability to take off Erie's clothes, and so much more

It would be a huge commitment to release a game on console, and it would probably cost a lot more money than the game is likely to make. It's possible that it could happen in a much later stage of development, but I feel like a console port isn't happening for years.

how is that a major spoiler

thank you so much

You could not have chosen a more painful color scheme for this page

How did you get onto that platform? I've gone to the itms map but I couldn't get there

you should use this to make viktor's voice lines

I mean, I guess you have to go through all the different untitled maps to find out which ones have artifacts in them. But still that shouldn't be a thing.

oh darn i didn't know he had a fully 3d model

oh darn i didn't know he had a fully 3d model

What's even the point of having elevators in the janitor's closet? And not to mention there's also two elevators in the math level that don't even do anything.

(2 edits)

You have to pay to unlock the tutorial level? That seems kinda broken. Not to mention the fact that you have to look through a list of obscure map names to find it, so new players won't even know it exists. I hope he at least makes the tutorial level part of the game in a later update.

Are you ok my guy

Wait, is Kostyan in the game or is he going to be added soon? He has a hint and a death screen and everything but I have not been able to find him.

Wait, how'd you get to the Tutorial level again? I thought that got removed or something, but I guess I just can't find it with the new menu.

Oh are they those tentacle things that steal items and stuff? I think I've seen those. Also mrdrnose edited the wiki page and said that those things are actually Spoxy's limbs, so I guess Spoxy is some sort of entity that's attacking the school from the outside.

Hm okay. Are the spoxy in the garden areas because I've never encountered them... Also, I saw audio and texture files for BF and OG so I just assumed they were in the game.

Nice update, I am interested in who BF, Oreichalkini Gata and Spoxy are. Does anyone know what part of the game they are in?

Weird joke but okay